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Hi there!

I wanted to give you a heads-up about a recent glitch on Patreon: A small number of folks may have noticed that their bank declined to process Patreon pledges over the last few days. (Most pledges went through with no problems.) I'm in touch with Patreon's support people, and they let me know that they found the issue and are working on a fix.

For now, Patreon recommends that anyone whose pledges were declined take these two steps:

  • Contact their card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card
  • If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings, under Billing History.

Here's what the Billing History settings look like: 

Apologies for this little hiccup! I'm told it should be resolved soon. While we wait for the fix to go through, please enjoy this episode of 227 featuring a special guest appearance by Pee Wee Herman

Thanks for your patience, and thanks as always for being a member here!

See you in the funny pages!



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