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Hello there! In this week's bonus video, we're exploring the SUPER bizarre saga of the animatronic robot that Disney built in the 90s to promote both ABC sitcoms and the Exxon oil company. Why does it look SO terrible? I think I have the answer! And! I've got a cute story from Norman Lear, and a rather sweet moment from an Ellen standup special.

Also! I'm livestreaming every Sunday, come join me at noon pacific here: https://twitch.tv/mattbaume 

Here's the latest details and dates for my book & live appearances: http://gaysitcoms.com/ 

You can read the introduction to my book for free here: https://www.them.us/story/how-sitcoms-helped-shape-queer-history 

And here's the Disney collector who has (what's left of) the Ellen robot today: https://youtu.be/Cy0YSvasE-o 


Bonus Video! The Mystery of the Ellen DeGeneres Robot

Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. Hello there! In this week's bonus video, we're exploring the SUPER bizarre saga of the animatronic robot that Disney built in the 90s to promote both ABC sitcoms and the Exxon oil company. Why does it look SO terrible?


Sam Aronow

That description alone is the most Michael Eisner thing I've ever read.


Enjoyed the book! Great blend of representation, reactions to representation, historical events, and what is going on now. Well written, good tone, and informative. More to come?

James Herington

Good God, that robot looks like something out of a Hannah Barbera tv show


Just got the book, congratulations! Looking forward to reading it


Echoing the others; the book was delivered this weekend. Loving it so far!

Zardogs! Zardogs!

Watched the Ellen animatronic first. Worth it.


So glad you're enjoying it! And yes I could go on forever about all this TV stuff. For now, the "more to come" is mostly happening on the Twitch streams, where I can juggle TV-history topics & look for the fun stuff to tackle next.

Zardogs! Zardogs!

The photo of Ellen yukking it up with George W Bush was also really criticized.

Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

I remember watching that Ellen comedy special with my wife and her sister when it came out on TV! That bit was very moving and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. 🥲 BUT! I remember right before that clip, when that person came up to the microphone, Ellen said, (paraphrasing) "Hello, sir! What's your question?" And then they said, "I'm not a sir." (I think?) and that brought the whole house down with laughter. Ellen was SO BEYOND EMBARRASSED that she laid down flat on the stage looking up at the ceiling. It was a good laugh until the person related their powerful (and very empowering) story. I'm not kidding, we all had tears in our eyes and sniffles in our noses. We've come such a long way as a society since that time, but it's so sad what has been happening these last several years. Sometimes it feels like all of the work that people like you, Matt, and so many others have done over the years has been deliberately smashed with such naked cruelty. But I am confident that, demons in human form be damned, we WILL claw back what we've lost. And since I'm a big ol' uber-nerd, I'll leave you all with one of my most favorite Lord of the Rings quotes: “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Take care, everyone. I'm sorry I don't post here more often, but I've been going through a horrible time with my disability (paraplegic) and medical issues/EXTREME chronic pain. Just know that if I can fight and make it through to see the sun rise the next day, so can you. Peace. 😎🤘☮️

Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

I wonder what was said between them. I've never watched (and don't know if there are) any full clips of them talking. Were they purposely seated together? I don't know the details. But celebrities are sometimes damned regardless of what they do. I often wonder what the fallout would have been if Ellen had stormed off or done something like dumped a drink on her head. I'm sure the Secret Service was there, so if she had done something physical it might have been bad. Like, REALLY bad. For her. So... Maybe she just kept her cool and behaved civilly? I wonder what would have happened to the cause if she had done something untoward. Would others have been, like, "See? I told you! All (insert derogatory word here) are unstable!" (Inert continued screed/diatribe.) So... I don't know... It's so easy in today's world for many people to be reactionary based on even a small snippet of video/audio. And while I know she made that statement about "being friends with people who don't share the same beliefs", I still think there's a thick Hollywood/Political Protocol lens that prevents us from seeing the real situation/knowing all of the details and thoughts of the people involved in many cases. To be clear, I'm not happy about what I saw. But I struggle with it. I guess the question is, what should she have done that would have served the cause of LGBTQ+ people everywhere? Did she know she would be sitting next to him? He was an ex-President, so I'm not sure what I would have done in that situation... Cancelled my reservation? Went anyway with the hope that the sight of someone who is gay sitting next to a notorious leader would help nudge others toward acceptance? It's a toughy. I just don't know. 😕

Sam Aronow

I disagree. I think he stands out very clearly because of (1) his obsession with quickly-dated celebrity cameos and industry gossip culture, (2) his extremely awkward public persona as he tries to be the new Walt, and (3) his habit of trying to make Disney compete with every other business by announcing new projects before immediately defunding them in favor of the next thing. Why yes, I did grow up in Southern California.