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Backup link in case the video doesn't play: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/ellenbonus2 

Hello! In this week's bonus video, I've got some fascinating clips of a TV executive speaking more frankly than he probably should have about the unfair "double standard" that they applied to Ellen's sitcom after she came out. Also, some details about Ellen's attempt to mount a sitcom comeback that crashed and burned -- for good reason -- and why she suddenly thrived with her talk show. Plus! A very cute story from Nichelle Nichols about George Takei's infamous shirtless-fencing incident.

Also, here's the latest dates & locations for the book tour: http://gaysitcoms.com 

And if you want to get a signed copy of my book, you can buy it through Elliott Bay and then note in the comment field that you'd like it autographed: https://elliottbaybook.com/item/G4pP01yr7tt8lUJ3vRpSIw 


(No title)


Colin Raiden-McRae

I thought the reason they gave George a foil was because he put fencing on his resume specifically because he didn't want them to give him a katana


My favorite line in the shirtless Sulu episode is when he refers (in his Dartagnan character) to Uhura as “fair maiden” and she replies “sorry, neither”. I don’t think I caught it in the initial broadcast ( yes, I am old enough to have watched TOS in its initial broadcast and have the cereal bowl to prove it) but when I was in college in the 70s we watched Star Trek every week day at 5 pm in the dormitory lounge - there was no debate about which channel to tune to - there were channels then and no streaming or video rentals). Not a maiden meant she was not a virgin which was pretty risqué for television at the time so I since wondered if it was an improv that got past the censors.


I look forward to the day the collection of various clips at the end become longer than the videos themselves.