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(Hello! I'm trying something different video video embeds this week. Let me know if this works better or worse, and in case the videos are still giving you trouble, here's the backup link that should work: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/georgetakeibonus2 )

Nathan Lane just gave a new interview where he talks about the time that Robin Williams saved him from being outed on national TV before he was ready, so we'll be diving into the details of that story this week -- and also why Nathan decided to come out publicly not long after. Also: A lovely story about beloved Internet uncle George Takei inspiring a student a decade ago, and where that student is today. And! Let's take a peek into some vintage magazines full of thinly-veiled gay innuendo about Tony Perkins and Tab Hunter.

And oh hey I keep forgetting to mention: I've started doing weekly livestreams where I hang out and chat about old TV and film, queer history, and whatever neat stuff I happen to be working on. The livestreams are happening every Sunday at noon pacific at twitch.tv/mattbaume, I hope you'll join me for that!


Bonus Video! Tab Hunter's "limp-wrist pajama party" scandal

Nathan Lane just gave a new interview where he talks about the time that Robin Williams saved him from being outed on national TV before he was ready, so we'll...



This is actually the first chance I've gotten to get on your Patreon since I joined a month or so ago. (OK, I confess, my online entertainment time has been hijacked by my new Ren obsession, but that fever seems to be breaking so I can get back to my regularly scheduled programming.) This was a great video to start with. Now onto everything I've missed!


“Sorry, this video does not exist.” is the message I saw when I tapped on the video (and got sent to the Vimeo site inside a window?). I’m using the Patreon app, version 8.3.28, in iOS 16.4 on an iPhone 13 Pro. The good news is that your text link works just fine, so you might want to keep including one as a fall-back against future glitches, when the various bits of tech decide they’re not speaking to each other.


Link to video worked for me fine. Loved it as always.


Bummer. Neither of the links (photo or link) would work Edit: 3 hrs later and it's working. Weird!


The link to the video worked well, but not the embedded one.


ARGH it seems the Patreon app is STILL having trouble. I'm testing out Vimeo alternatives this week so hopefully we'll get this squared away soon.


That's so weird! Glad it ironed itself out??? Thanks for the report, I'm going to keep testing alternatives.


Ugh so sorry about that. I'm still testing out embedding methods, hopefully will have something better soon.


No, he’s a “new” rapper/singer with an amazing personal story of physical and mental illness, and extraordinary talent. “New” is in quotes because he’s 33 and been performing for 2 decades, but this is his moment. I stopped counting at 100 glowing YouTube reactions to his breakout hit “Hi Ren”. But I DO love a good Ren Faire!


I loved this episode. It is so difficult to be queer. I love that there can be heartwarming stories.


Thanks for mentioning 'Brothers.' Back in the 80s I'd sometimes catch this gay sitcom with lower production values while channel surfing late night TV, and never knew what it was. It seemed so unlikely I thought maybe I'd imagined it or wished it into being. Now I know. Had no idea it was set in Philly. As always, movies and TV set in Philly have characters speaking in New York accents (see 'Mare of Easttown' for the right accent).


The embedded video wouldn't play, got the message "Sorry. Because of its privacy settings this video cannot be played here." The link worked perfectly. FYI I"m accessing Patreon on Windows 10.


I loved the series "Brothers"! Their gay friend Donald really stole the show with the wittiest lines. I look forward to your video on it.


I feel like this has been mentioned before, but I would love a video dedicated to Tony Perkins. Both his private life and his career are fascinating. I love how he went from playing the boy next door in the 50s, to being typecast as Norman Bates-types in the 60s and 70s, to finally embracing his horror icon status and doing some truly bonkers stuff in the 80s and 90s (he plays a sex-crazed preacher in a Ken Russell film!)