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When Anne Rice originally submitted the manuscript for Interview With the Vampire to her editor, it had a COMPLETELY different ending -- in this week's bonus video, I'm sharing the plot twists that they made her throw out and re-write. Also on the agenda is a discussion of the unfortunate adaptation of a sexy romance into a Rosie O'Donnell buddy-cop comedy (still sexy). Plus! The hidden homosexuality lurking just under the surface in one of Hitchcock's most notorious thrillers. And a little bit of Pee-Wee Herman, unrelated to Hitchcock. (Or is he????)

Backup link if the video embed doesn't work: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/ropebonus1 

My previous bonus video about Dance of the Vampires: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bonus-video-on-56674776 

Dance of the Vampires on Broadway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWYn3cCdIwI

The Hunger trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a6YFwC2zKA 

I thought there was a full version of Vampire Lesbians of Sodom on YouTube, but it turns out to just be a few excerpts. Still, it's pretty great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAf3C4asIgU 


Bonus Video! The untold original ending of Interview With the Vampire

When Anne Rice originally submitted the manuscript for Interview With the Vampire to her editor, it had a COMPLETELY different ending -- in this week's bonus...



Great video, as always. Could we please get the link to the video of Vampire Lesbians of Sodom?

Nini L

The Exit to Eden movie was an abomination. Full stop.


I read the book after seeing the film. Hubby and I saw itat the drive-in, took my mom based on Aykroyd and O'Donnell. During the butter and cinnamon scene we're all really quiet and then mom says, "did you *mean* to take your mother with you to this film?" She never let me live it down.


It was "The open *sensuality* , not sexuality, Matt. BIG difference. And yeah, Susan Sarandon still has that about her.


Queer for Fear on Shudder just devoted like half an episode to Hitchcock -- including lots of interview time with Oz Perkins on what Psycho meant to his family. Also, I mentioned it in the live chat last week, but Erik Rebain has a new book coming out in April RE: Nathaniel Leopold. (https://www.erikrebain.com/ // https://bookshop.org/books/arrested-adolescence-the-secret-life-of-nathan-leopold/9781538158609) Lastly, this is just one of my favorite Hitchcock clips. Not gay, but charming nevertheless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96xx383lpiI

Robert Emmett

Everyone I click on it it’s says “oops video doesn’t exist”


Oh hm that shouldn't be happening. What if you use this link: https://vimeo.com/758190181/60cbe30ec7 And if it's still not working, could you let me know what app & operating system you're using?


Did Jimmy Stewart know he was playing a gay character? From what I know of his personal life he seemed somewhat….conservative?

Kris Olsen

Babble away Matt! I love hearing what you've found and your enthusiasm for the topic is refreshing.


I'm not gay, but I've always supported gay rights. Well not so much through the courts, but in terms of supporting laws legalizing same sex marriage. Without explaining why explicitly, I will say I was a big fan of Anne Rice's Exit to to Eden and Sleeping Beauty series. I think that kinky people have it much easier than gay people. There is no need to "come out." I can bring a girl to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family without having to discuss our power dynamic. In fact, I think under most circumstances it would be wrong to bring it up. I knew a woman that was in a 24/7 M/s relationship with her boyfriend. She wanted to give him papers for Christmas showing she was his property. So she went to her parents and asked them to sign a bill of sale. They refused so she forged their signatures. Personally, I think it was wrong of her to ask, because really she was involving them in her kink without their consent. But in terms of consenting adults, so long as there is informed consent from everyone involved, I say go for it.


I see that hitting enter doesn't let you start a new paragraph, it posts your message. OK. I had 2 things to add. First I saw Dance of the Vampires and it was awful. I enjoyed the "Total Eclipse of the Heart" performance, but the rest was dreck. 2 days after seeing it with my girlfriend, I took my mother to see Frank Gorshin in his 1 act play about George Burns, Say Goodnight Gracie. That was fabulous. But as I was getting my car at a garage, I ran into the managing partner at my law firm. He had just come from seeing Dance of the Vampire. But unlike my girlfriend and I, he and his wife left at intermission. As for the Exit to Eden film, I have always thought they had added the Rosie O'Donnell/Dan Ackroyd part during reshoots. There is no overlap between the romance plot and the jewel thief plot, except for one scene. In that scene Rosie is in a room talking about something with Dana Delaney and other women. But other than Rosie sitting at the table there is no connection. It's almost like they shot it as a regular romantic movie and then decided they didn't have enough laughs. It didn't improve the movie, but that line in the trailer and TV spots where Rosie is asked her fantasy and she replies "paint my house" may have improved the box office.