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Hello there! In this week's bonus video I've got a quick update about my book Hi Honey I'm Homo (yes it will be available internationally, yes there will be an audiobook, yes we're working on a way to do signed copies). Also, thanks to Robin for sending me a VERY bizarre depiction of a gay bar on a British sitcom, with a few too many mustaches. I've got an intriguing clip of Raymond Burr attending a Judy Garland movie premiere with a sailor "friend," and I did a little digging and found that he was in Raymond's life for quite a few years. Also this week, we're taking a deeper look at Interview With the Vampire, Anne Rice's acclaimed novel. You can trace the origins of queer vampire tales back to the 1800s and an early lesbian vampire novella entitled Carmilla; and then that novel helped inspire the hilarious lesbian-exploitation vampire films of the 1970s. Beware the VERY UNNATURAL LADIES!

Backup link for the video: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/interviewbonus1 


Bonus video! The man on Raymond Burr's lap, and a lesbian vampire mystery

Hello there! In this week's bonus video I've got a quick update about my book Hi Honey I'm Homo (yes it will be available internationally, yes there...



I love how you subconsciously channelled Charles Nelson Reilly at the end with the laugh and 'let's see if we can make that happen' lol


And, as always, one of my favorite bits in the videos is when you correct yourself in the captions.


BTW, is your book title in reference to the most infamous sitcom of all time "Heil Honey, I'm Home"? If you're not familiar with it, then you're in for a real rabbit trail of "what were they thinking?".

Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

Darn it. Why does Carmella sounds so familiar... Maybe that story made the name become one of the "default" names for those FemVamps that craved the blood of maidens and I just heard it before? I don't know. At any rate, since the vampire legend is obviously chock full of sexual connotations...nervousness over the "monstrous power" of the animal nature of sex in general, regardless of who's doing the biting/sexing to whom...it's not too surprising to see that a vampy fem that nips at the neck of other women made its way into the vampire legendarium at an early date. 😉


You have an impressive ability to ad lib without (any?) edits. Congrats!


My husband actually has a CD of soundtrack music from the Italian Lesbian Vampire movies: "Vampyros Lesbos: Sexadelic Dance Party". It contains a booklet that talks about the history of the movies. And as you might have guessed from the CD's title, it's full of gah-roovy 60's and 70's music.

Kris Olsen

I read Carmilla many years ago and liked it a LOT more than most of Anne Rice's later books.


Bit late, but speaking of books about TV history, have you heard about James Burrows' book? https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/directed-by-james-burrows-review-making-tv-with-friends-11654038256


Speaking of British sitcoms: check out Gimme Gimme Gimme if you don't know it. Pilot episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e0IwxOEtCU


It's a great time for learning about Network TV™! (P.S. James came on Conan O'Brien's podcast to talk about it and went into a deep dive into his career, if you're interested as well.)


I loved that show. So awful and campy. They showed the whole series through one time on BBC America 10 or 12 years ago, but I haven't seen it since. The opening theme tune is priceless.