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Hello there! In this week's bonus video, I've got a few new clues about how "Bruce" became the name for all homosexual men. And also the story of the time that a group of lesbians got fed up with NBC airing a bunch of offensive stereotypes, and hatched a plan to infiltrate the network's headquarters and seize control of an office. It's like a spy story!

Backup link for the video: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/seinfeldbonus4 


Bonus! The Day Lesbians Took Over NBC

Hello there! In this week's bonus video, I've got a few new clues about how "Bruce" became the name for all homosexual men. And also the story...



Don’t forget Hitchcock’s movie “Rope”!


In the bonus features on any of the recent video releases, the writer and Farley Granger extensively talk about how the studio was worried that they were going to make a movie about "it" but could never say "it".


The fact that "Rope" was based on the real-life Leopold and Loeb murders, and the way the two of them were talked about in the media at the time is also interesting.


Yes, two queer actors playing a gay couple.

Lee Mynatt

Slightly off a degree but re: Hitchcock/NbNW- in the Justice League cartoon from the 00s ending multi-parter, one of the bad guy’s obsession/love of his commander is a reference to Martin Landau in NbNW. They were able to work in queer subtext by reference earlier queer subtext. I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed on the JL DVDs/bonus content.

Lee Mynatt

Excuse me, I left out the multi-parter was called “Starcrossed”.


Not sure if this has already been covered....the 1973 novelty song that both cemented "you silly savage" (with extremely sibilant "s"'s) and the use of Bruce as a gay-identified name: The Ballad Of Ben Gay & Silly Savage Serenadehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndVLqRQj7Lg


Bruce" was so tainted as a gay-identified name, that when they made "The Incredible Hulk" TV show with Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner, they changed his name to "David Banner."


Stan Lee himself discusses it in this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek2-fcGT2YA&t=155s


If the executives could see Amadeus cho the hulk that actually is gay then they’d lose it


David you put the video link at the 155 seconds time stamp but actually the Bruce comment is at the very beginning of the video


Token straight guy here, guess there are still some of us that enjoy the 6 degrees of celebrity connections, much to the annoyance of almost everyone else. I'm constantly going: this person was in that thing that went on to become this other thing where that one guy did the thing that went onto that person's kid doing this other thing, that turned out to become... and so on, and so on! We should be getting paid for these celebrity genealogies, or at least make sure the Wikipedia articles get properly amended and cited. ;)