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Hello there!

Well, we're wrapping up Pride month, or at least, the first Pride month of the year. Now it's time to get ready for Second Pride, which is July; and then Third Pride Month in August, Fourth Pride Month in September, etc etc etc. 

I've got a bunch of fun stuff cooking for you in the next month -- it'll be a busy busy time, particularly because the first draft of my book is due on the 15th (no, I'm not panicking at all about that deadline, thank you). Also I'm still getting over that weird bout of vertigo (it's better, but I'm getting an MRI next week, just like the MGM lion) so thanks for your patience as I get things back on schedule!

Not That There's Anything Wrong With That

The big tentpole project I'm working on for July is a video about the making of Seinfeld's "not that there's anything wrong with that" episode -- which was, it turns out, sort of based on something that actually happened to Jerry on a trip to Rome.

I covered this episode many many years ago (please try not to think about how half a decade has passed since 2017), and since then I've dug up a lot more fun stories about how that episode was made and the fallout from it, so it's a good time for a revisit with new details. A friend at GLAAD was able to send me a never-before-seen clip of an NBC executive talking about that episode and I can't wait to show you!


Also! I've got lots of weekly bonus videos coming your way, full of the strange/fun stuff that I've discovered in the process of my research into that and other shows -- next week's will be about a '90s gay nightclub in New York that had a working slide; and also some details about particularly goofy gay comedians of the 1970s. And! A story about a rivalry between Hustler and Penthouse magazine involving some scurrilous rumors about a publisher's sexuality.


I'm getting back on schedule with The Sewers of Paris (editing that has been particularly hard during my vertigo recovery because it involves a lot of scrolling left and right, ughhhh) but I've got some delightful interviews coming up -- including one with a film critic and lasagna expert. Also, my friend Samantha and I are working on a fun little side-project podcast that I thiiiiiiink will be coming out in July -- I'll let you know how that's looking when it's finally ready to announce.

Other stuff!

I've been contributing to Unstreamable, a weekly column about those mysterious hard-to-find movies and TV shows that have vanished from streaming services; and also Queer Vox, a project to highlight the work of queer voiceover artists in animation and games. If you like the queer pop culture history stuff that I do here, I think you'll like those projects. 

And! I'm doing some giveaways through my weekly(ish) newsletter. Whenever I come across a book that I really like, I'll give one away to a randomly-picked subscriber -- sign up for that at mattbaume.com. And you'll also get weekly(ish) stories about queer pop culture history, links to stuff that I find delightful, and of course cute animal videos.

Also! If you want some nice comfy queer t-shirts, there's some sales coming up in my online shop -- one from July 1 to July 4, and another from July 27 to July 31. Classic t-shirts starting at $14 and everything else up to 35% off!

Whewwww Okay I Think That's Everything

Welp that should just about cover it. Lots to keep us all busy through the next month! And then in August I'm heading to the east coast to see family and also squirrel myself away to furiously work on the next draft of my book, which should be coming out in June of next year. 

Now go forth, and have a powerful Second Pride Month!




Sarah Parker-Shemilt

Lots of things going on there! Are you able to talk about what the book is going to be about? Thanks!


Yes! It's about how gay episodes of sitcoms tell the real-life story of queer liberation over the last 50 years. Title and cover announcement coming soon! https://benbellabooks.com/acquisitions-announcement-75/


And will Patrons be able to buy a signed copy? (Yes, I'm that kind of snob!)


Aw thank you for asking! Yes we'll figure all that out as we get closer to the release next year.