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Hello there! 

I was drifting off to sleep last night, thinking about how March is said to "come in like a lion and out like a lamb," and as a result I slept deeply and dreamed of lions removing what turned out to be lion-themed onesie pajamas, revealing that they'd been sheep all along. I hope your sleep as of late has been just as peaceful and confusing.

Anyway, here we are in the tangled web of spring, where the delights of warmer weather require that we endure the occasional rainy day -- all in service of a lush happy June. It is not too late to make your Pride plans, and subsequent Wrath plans.

As for me, I'm laying plans for quite a few fun projects this spring: As you've do doubt seen, I released a video about the sitcom Soap last month that featured interviews with various subject-matter experts (including Marsha Posner Williams, producer of that and The Golden Girls and many more projects). This month I'll be releasing bonus videos of my full interview with Marsha, which includes many fun behind-the-scenes details, and also of my interviews with Dr. Ada-Rhodes Short and Susan Stryker.

Also coming in March, aside from sheep wearing pajamas: A video currently in the works about the show Dynasty, and it's profound impact on American culture -- and also a behind-the-scenes scandal that linked the show to the Reagan White House. A thicket of intrigue awaits! Watch for that to come out on a Sunday around the latter half of the month. And by the way, a huge thank-you to patrons like Trevor who help me with research by sending me clips and old magazine articles and whatnot.

And! I'm about to record a Sewers of Paris interview that I've been trying to arrange literally for years, with a busy/reclusive author who has FINALLY and very generously granted me some of his time. I won't say yet who it is -- I am terrified that it still might fall through -- but ohhhh geez it's gonna be a good one, once it finally happens. Fingers crossed, you'll hear it around mid-March.

There are also three other, bigger, even more terrifying projects waiting in the wings. I'm not quite ready to announce those yet, but you'll be the first to know when I am. At least one should be ready to reveal this month -- and as luck would have it, it's the biggest one, a multi-year effort that is finally close to culmination.

Well! There you have it, a March that is, as Lady Bracknell would say, "crowded with incident." Looking over everything happening in the next few weeks, it seems like it might be more accurate to say that thanks to all your wonderful support, March is coming in like a lion and going out like several much larger, gayer lions.






I always heard that it's "in like a lion, out like a lamb, or in like a lamb, out like a lion". Of course, I live in Oklahoma, and we're in cattle country here - no sheep in site. Just lions coming in and out anywhere, at any time. 🌧🌪🌩


Are we not meeting at Fleckman's anymore?

Leotha Boyd

Looks like you're really enjoying that book. From one book lover to another