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Hi hello! 

A little late for a Christmas present BUT here is a new bonus video for you -- this one's got some fascinating details that I dug up about why Rita Moreno's guest appearance on The Golden Girls is so weird and confusing; and also a few scant details that I found about the Moreno-focused sitcom that never was. Also! After her memorably short Oscar speech back in the 60s, Rita finally got a chance to redo her acceptance in 2017 and it's really lovely. I've also got (unrelated to Rita) a fascinating clip of Lily Tomlin walking off the set of a talk show because of something Chad Everett said. (I know that not EVERY Chad is a bad guy but this one certainly seems to have an unpleasant attitude.)

If the embed isn't work for you, try this link: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/ritabonus3 

Thanks again for making all these videos possible! I'm working on some vampire-themed videos for the new year, so if you've got anything you think I should be aware of, please send it my way!


Bonus Video! The Golden Girls Spinoff That Tanked + Lily Tomlin's Talk Show Walkout

A little late for a Christmas present BUT here is a new bonus video for you -- this one's got some fascinating details that I dug up about why Rita Moreno's...



I've seen that Lily Tomlin clip many times over the years, and I've never gotten over 10 what a douchebag Chad Everett was and 2) how great Lily's suit was. As a bit of amusement, Matt - check out Chad Everett's role in Mulholland Drive.

Nini L

There are several videos on youtube, that have come out over the years, that talk about Anne Rice's vampires -especially Lestat and Louis. They all have fascinating takes, and there are many interviews of Anne talking about their relationship. The best summation of their relationship I have ever heard was that "They are sexually Ace, but romantically Bi." Though, I'm not sure if I completely agree with that, given that Lestat (in particular) had a male lover prior to being turned. In many ways, their sexuality is both definitive and fluid. Which makes them even more appealing. I was, and still am, a huge fan of Anne Rice's work and have read everything she has ever written. So, if you have questions feel free to ask.


Around the time the film was being made, and Rice was so open and vocal about her objections to the casting of Tom Cruise, I was taking a class taught by Louis Achincloss, who knew Rice and had recently interviewed her for some magazine. He told the class that Rice had wanted Lestat to be androgynous in the film, and wanted Anjelica Houston for the role, but that the studio had drawn the line.


I was 14 at the time of the Golden Girls spin off, and sadly I guess I was the only one craving more Golden Girls content.


Love lily tomlin even more than I already do


Can't wait for you to talk about Buffy!


I don't know whether to start with the show or the comics, which are even GAYER


the rita moreno show pilot's opening is available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTsK273d9Vo


Oh this is WONDERFUL, thank you! And so different from what the interview describes! Musta gone through a lot of revisions.


I have never checked out the comics, so now I feel like I have to. And it's also about time for a Buffy show rewatch.