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Just TRY to shut me up once I start talking about showtunes, I DARE YOU.

In this overlong bonus video, we take a look at some of the queer stuff happening on Broadway in the 1970s, from the first openly gay villain (played by Star Trek's Rene Auberjonois! Hear him sing here!) to the fun fancy farce that is the show tastefully entitled Gulp! You know a musical's going to be good when it has an exclamation point in the title. (This is how I was tricked into seeing Oh! Calcutta! many years ago, which I do not recommend.)

Incredibly, I forgot to talk about the insanity that is Let My People Come in this video, so we'll just have to save that for next time. But you will get a heaping helping of Hepburn!

Until next time, my Peters, Pauls, and Marys.


PS: If the embed doesn't work for you, try this link: https://vimeo.com/mattbaume/alicebonus1


Bonus video! How gay can Broadway get?

In this overlong bonus video, we take a look at some of the queer stuff happening on Broadway in the 1970s, from the first openly gay villain (played by Star Trek's...



One of my biggest celebrity crushes is Katharine Hepburn in male drag in Sylvia Scarlett.


I would absolutely watch a whole series of you just relating interesting facts about queer stage productions and their ties to film and tv tbqh!! It’s always so much fun to watch your videos because of the details you provide and especially because of your wonderful energy! Thanks for another great bonus vid~! (Now time to look up more Tommy Tune videos)

Steve Teeter

Matt: I saw a gay musical in Los Angeles in a fairly small theater that in my memory seems a lot like “Boy Meets Boy.” The year was 1976 [he typed with emphasis] and I am absolutely certain that it was that year. This too was a madcap comedy set in the 30s, but I can remember only one detail. There’s a theater trope I’m sure you know. The homely, mousy lady librarian in glasses who nobody takes seriously, but who has dreams. At the end of Act I she gives a speech to the audience alone on stage, declares she’s going after her dreams, turns her back on the audience, throws aside her glasses and lets loose her hair, then turns around and now she’s drop dead gorgeous. Exactly the same in the show I saw. Shy, mousy guy in glasses who falls in love with the lead but has no chance. He gives that speech, turns his back, throws aside his glasses and makes a few adjustments, turns back around and he’s so fucking hot. Sophisticated hot, in a tuxedo. And the lead does fall in love with him. If this was indeed the same show, that must mean they staged two productions at about the same time, in New York and L.A. Wouldn’t that be interesting!


More please & thank you:)


I subscribed specifically for this video! I would love more Broadway stuff🥰


I loved Rene. Such a talented performer. I first saw him in Benson on TV and loved him in The Big River musical soundtrack. He gave his all to every performance. He also said something that I try to keep in mind in performing and other aspects of life: “Show me a man who’s afraid to make a fool of himself and I’ll show you a man I can beat every time.”


Oh Matt! I’m getting my life from all this, especially with my knowledge of Hirschfeld and stage 😁


That's the plot to Boy Meets Boy. I saw it a few times in NY. Not unusual for a hit on the "lavender circuit" on one coast to spawn a production on the other coast.


Well, that was a trip down memory lane! I moved to NYC in the mid-70s (from the Midwest) specifically to get into theatre. I even remember auditioning for "Gulp!" Thought it would look good on the resume after my previous two shows: "Snap!" and "Twanger!" (neither of which was gay). I did do a later Glines production called "My Funny Uncle Albert" written and starring the drag queen from the late 1970s holding a sign saying "Not Every Boy Dreams of Being a Marine."


More! These videos are so much fun to watch, and informative to boot.


Could you send me the link to this one as well please


I feel like comparisons to Randy Rainbow aren't negative.

Myles D. Widmer

If it wasn't Bugs Bunny pining over the calla lillies, it was another WB character (but it was totally Bugs). I loved imitating him when I was a little kid. I never would have heard of Katherine Hepburn at that age. Keep looking; I know it's out there somewhere. BTW I discovered your channel just last week and I love your work! The first I saw was about "Bewitched", and I'm hooked. Thanks Matt