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My guest on The Sewers of Paris podcast this week is Jeffrey Masters, host of the podcast LGBTQ&A. He moved to LA with a plan to make it big as an actor, which doesn’t always work out for the best — and for a time, it looked like things were going south as he found that his Shakespearean training left him unprepared for what Hollywood was looking for. But then he stumbled upon a passion that got him more attention than he’d even had before, and more importantly, a feeling of fulfillment in his work.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First — a reminder that I’ve been posting lots of fun videos about queer pop culture history over on my YouTube — and you can also head over to Patreon to see even more bonus videos.

And check out my cute little newsletter where I share sneak peeks at what I’m working on at mattbaume.com.


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