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Chat with us live: Saturday, May 7, at noon PST

We're back with another super homosexual live video chat! This time the theme is drag, from modern Drag Race to classic Divine; from glamorous balls to spooky drag monsters; from elaborate wigs to excruciating tucks. My guests are Aedan Roberts, whose RPDR recaps are the talk to the town (that town being Facebook); and otherworldly Seattle drag creature Arson Nikki. We'll be responding to viewer comments live throughout the show, so join us in the chat to tell us about your favorite performers, movies, songs, and shows!

Watch the live chat: https://youtu.be/HcW-rp4h-dw

And RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/915069528639943/


Sewers of Paris Live Chat: Drag

It's another Sewers of Paris live video chat! This time the topic is all things drag, with some super-special top-secret guests. Join us May 7 at noon pacific to join the conversation!


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