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Hello friends!

Oh gosh. Oh jeez. Oh my stars and garters. What a whirlwind few days. Did Four Seasons Total Landscaping happen five minutes ago or three weeks ago? I feel like my hat's just flown right off of my head.

I hope you've been celebrating in whatever way feels right (I can't help but notice the grocery store is low on champagne right now). Lots of work to roll up our sleeves and get ready for, but for the moment let's just take a deep breath and feel ... nice. Ahhhh.

Also: a big hearty hello to those of you who've signed up for my new newsletter! It goes out once a week and features updates about fun queer stuff I'm working on, historical tidbits you'll find amusing, and cute animals. Sign up at mattbaume.com.

As always, I am eternally grateful for your wonderful support in these weird wild times, and overflowing with gratitude that your membership makes it possible for me to do videos and podcasts and livestreams and whatnot. Here's a little roundup of what you're making possible this month:

  • Culture Cruise! A deep dive on queer content that changed the world! Check out my latest cruise, all about the forbidden kiss on the show Roseanne and how it re-wrote the rules about who's allowed to kiss on television.
  • A bonus video! I'm trying something new, with a fun followup to last month's Culture Cruise! After I turned up a few clues about the first married gay couple on television, I tracked down their very hard-to-find episodes of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" for a look at these groundbreaking and unjustly forgotten gays. (This video is a little change of pace from my usual stuff, let me know what you think!)
  • The Sewers of Paris! Each week on the podcast, a guest plucks a piece of entertainment from their past -- books, movies, music, shows, and more -- and answers the question: how did it change your life? Recent guests include Peppermint of RuPaul's Drag Race fame, classic TV obsessive Brett White, and an exploration of how Wonder Woman inspired one man's career in sewer management.
  • Livestreams! It's a true delight to spend time chatting with folks live -- this month's livestreams will be on November 14 and 28. Click the bell here to get a reminder when the next one goes live.
  • Cozy Pants! A podcast for Patreon backers! Join me and my partner James for a fun affectionate chat about the cultural comforts that are lighting up our lives.

Also! I'm writing comic book and video game reviews for The Stranger, which has been a great joy. (I'm also on the "furry news" beat, so please send me any tips on that front.) And I've been hosting some videogame livestreams over on Twitch, playing Monster Hunter World with my partner James. Come join us for that!

As we round the end-of-year corner into Thanksgiving season, I just want to let you know that I am bowled over with thanks to you. Just yesterday, I got a DM from someone on Twitter about how Culture Cruise helped them come out -- and while I personally feel very very proud of that, I hope you know that you deserve credit as well since you believe in what I do enough to be a monthly member of this Patreon.


PS: If you haven't already, follow me over on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and Twitch!


Yonatan Zunger

Also, I really like the bonus video. I really like just hearing you talk about these things -- both for learning about them, and because you're interesting when you do it. The relative polish of your regular Culture Cruise videos is lovely but entirely extra as far as I'm concerned; I enjoyed this just as much as those. Really, thank you for doing these!