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Welcome to another episode of Cozy Pants! This week James and I are talking about Legendary, the ballroom competition-reality show on HBO Max that is very very good. It compares interestingly to early seasons of The Great British Bake-Off, if you can believe that, and is also like a more modern (and I think enjoyable) version of Drag Race. We also share some thoughts on the Netflix anime BNA (Brand New Animal) which -- can you believe it -- I love. And we're into the last pages of Modelland, with what is kind of an Afterword??? But also the setup for a sequel that will never ever happen??? Whew. Also, James discusses his fear of fish and love of pigs with eyelashes.



I can't wait to listen to this. I watched Legendary and really enjoyed it. Quite an education. Such great talent on that show.


Hello, Matt and James! I appreciate your kooky affections. What’s My Line is a lovely old delight. Salvador Dali is among the most enjoyably bizarre mystery guests on the show, and the segment is available on YouTube!