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We're back with another baffling Cozy Pants podcast, with James as sleepy as he's ever been and me almost as forgetful. We just watched Spirited Away and have some thoughts about what makes it so good (and what it's lacking, namely, cats). We also touch upon salad anxieties, an exciting new character named Mist Piggy, and the documentary Kiki which updates us on the state of the ballroom scene. And you'll love our latest drag name, Spare Tyra.



Yay, you’re back! First, Matthew, we all know you would happily regurgitate food and feed James like a baby bird if that’s what he needed. Second, are we to understand that James has not been under the influence of drugs this entire time? That doesn’t seem possible. Third, Matthew, if you enjoy being pressed, there’s a heavy duty narcotic you would love. I got it when I was in the hospital with my broken leg and it literally felt like I was being pressed into the bed.