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Well, we're back on our nonsense with another episode of the Cozy Pants podcast. James has a rogues' gallery of new characters to introduce, and I've been reading up on the history of gay New York. And perhaps we're a bit late to this particular announcement, but that Avatar cartoon is really quite good! Also this week, we are closing in on the end of Modelland, and yet somehow it feels nothing like a conclusion.



I had always thought that the phrase "coming out" was a sort of campy take on debutante balls, where young women would be said to "come out" into society. In my mind it was a sort of mocking way of taking something formal and respectable from the straight world and twisting it, as is a proud gay tradition! This would make sense with what Matt talked about in terms of coming out originally being about entering the gay world, rather than announcing to the straight world, but I don't have any proof that this is the actual etymology, so it may just be something I wrongly picked up from somewhere. PS I love Cozy Pants so much (literally signed up to the Patreon just to hear it because I was such a fan of Defining Marriage back in the day), so please keep giving us all this beautiful nonsense


Holy Defining Marriage flashbacks, Batman! Complete and utter nonsense immediately followed by sincere history and philosophy. Homophobia/misogyny brings to mind something James said a long time ago that’s always stuck because it’s just so perfect.. “to a lot of people, the worst thing you can be is someone who has had a dick in them.”