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On this week's Cozy Pants podcast we're reviewing some truly terrible science fiction: We've watched Highlander II and oh BOY is that movie jam-packed with terrible choices. And also others that are outstanding. We also watched Disney's John Carter movie, which features some very interesting characters who get to do precisely zero interesting things. And we did our darndest to watch Andrew Lloyd Weber's Oh, Jeeves musical, which is the opposite of science fiction but was also quite the flop. WHEW. 



Hugh Laurie in House was an awakening for me. He is 100% the reason I started finding scruffy, salt and pepper stubbly beards attractive. I’ve never seen Jeeves and Wooster, but I enjoy A Bit of Fry and Laurie. James, you have just the right amount of chin.


I feel vindicated that childhood-me took one look at Highlander and thought "this is stupid, I wonder what's on Nickelodeon."