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We're back with another Cozy Pants podcast! This week we're diving into the sexy lore of Disney's Slue-Foot Sue (but not too deep, because we don't want to die in the vacuum of space). We play a little what's-her-name with someone named Vonda, which honestly sounds like a name I'd make up. The topic of mermaids comes up, as it often does; as well as  very tidy sewers. And of course we must forge ahead with our Modelland discourse. Now our heroes (?) are back home? Or something???



I don’t know why bathrooms have those huge gaps. My guess is it’s either cheaper/easier to make them that way, or they’re intended to encourage people to not linger. I know one place where all the stalls have no gaps, but the doors are always closed, so you have to look under the door to see if it’s occupied. Awful design. James is definitely a coyote—shy, easily scared away, likes to rummage in garbage, good at going around without being seen.