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This week on the Cozy Pants, we're speculating about the royal family's fursonas, why one must never pass the jelly, and what could have possessed Eddie Furlong to release a christmas song. We also discuss the Disney+ experience and our delight that the Mandalorian is actually good, as well as Kathleen Turner's oddly wide stance. All that plus some new information about what Modelland is not.



1. Smart plan to befriend crows! Maybe they’ll start bringing you gifts. I want to do that, but I don’t where to find a reliable flock of crows. 2. You want a horse? Sure, you can have my beautiful red mare! She’s great as long as you don’t tell her what to do or stop her from doing what she wants. She’s very distinctive with the scar on her cornea, a dent in her skull, and a skin tag on her chest affectionately referred to as her third nipple. 3. I have season tickets.. this is my second year. Got them last year to guarantee a seat at Hamilton and enjoyed it so much I renewed. 4. With Book of Mormon, I’ve seen it with two different casts, but seeing it multiple times in one week, you get to see a few understudies. My favorite Elder Price was an understudy.