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Hello friends! 

Well, we're really in the thick of it: hot weather, short shorts, and some well-earned vacation time after the exhaustion of Pride. I hope you had a good 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, and threw some bricks -- metaphorical or literal, whichever is appropriate.

Between the sultry sweaty days of July, I'll be sending lots of treats your way. Here's what your support makes possibly throughout July:

  • Livestreams! Come say hello, share your recommendations, and make friends in the chat! I love getting your suggestions for stuff to watch and read so let's talk about all the queer entertainment that’s lighting up your life! Click the bell over here to get a reminder when we go live. 
  • The Sewers of Paris! Each week on The Sewers of Paris, a guest plucks a piece of entertainment from their past -- books, movies, music, shows, and more -- and answers the question: how did it change your life?
  • Culture Cruise! All backers get early ad-free access to a new Culture Cruise video! I’ll be diving into some more nostalgia with a close look at queer content in the entertainment we love. And in case you missed it, check out last month's video about Beverly LaSalle and the evolution of drag on TV.
  • Cozy Pants! A podcast for Patreon backers at $4/month and up! Join me and my partner James for a fun affectionate chat about the cultural comforts that are lighting up our lives. 
  • Weekly Debrief! Get caught up on the week's LGBTQ news, how it affects you, and actions you can take! Weekly Debrief is your quick weekly roundup of everything you need to know about what's happening with queer people in the world and how you can help.

I'll also be popping by the Queer Press Fest in Seattle, a community-based market and celebration of independent LGBTQ+ creators! If you're in Seattle on July 14th, I hope to see you there.

You might also like these articles I wrote for Them.us in June: an interview with fantasy writer E.K. Johnston about the queer romance in her latest book, and a look at how YouTube's failure to deal with harassment is affecting creators.

And as always, if you're in the mood for some comedy storytelling fun, check out Queens of Adventure -- a podcast where drag queens tell an improvised fantasy adventure story, powered by Dungeons & Dragons! Last month we posted an episode that recaps the ENTIRE adventure so far, so if you've been looking for a place to jump in, there you go! Listen and subscribe at QueensOfAdventure.com.

Thanks again for backing so many video, audio, and live endeavors. I couldn't make any of this stuff without you, and I'm happy to have you along for this great queer ride.


PS: If you haven't already, follow me over on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram to see what I'm up to!


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