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Hello friends!

As we bumble our way through the final days of the year, I just wanted to reach out with a huge THANK YOU for all of your support on Patreon. Whether you’re a longtime backer or just joined, your support made it possible for me to create more fun fabulous LGBTQ content in 2018 than ever before, and I’m just overwhelmed with gratitude.

This Patreon started in 2015 as a way to support The Sewers of Paris podcast, and when I decided to expand it this year to cover more projects, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But your response honestly has me floored -- so many folks stayed on to support the new material, so many backers increased their pledges, and so many new people joined!

At the end of the year, I’m closing in on 300 backers, holy cow. That’s three times the number of people who were backing the Patreon a year ago, and I’m just thrilled beyond words to have your support! It means so much to me that so many folks believe in what I’m making. Here are just a few highlights from 2018:

60 Sewers of Paris Episodes

The Sewers of Paris was the first project that was funded on Patreon, and this year we passed our 200th (!) episode with lots more in the works. After expanding the Patreon to include more LGBTQ projects, more and more folks have continued to join, which means I can release monthly bonus episodes; I can bring in more queer guests; and we can try out new formats to tell even more stories.

Here are just a few of the amazing folks I interviewed this year:

12 Culture Cruise Videos!

One of the new projects I launched in 2018 was a YouTube series called Culture Cruise, where I explore LGBTQ themes in entertainment. Queer folks have been nearly-invisible on screen for so many decades, and I love discovering milestone moments when pioneers were able to make a positive change not only for entertainment, but culture in general. Your feedback on the videos has been deeply moving -- I love hearing your memories of where you were when you first saw an LGBTQ character on TV and your suggestions for stuff I should cover next. And I get a huge thrill every time someone says that I helped them discover something new!

Since the start of the year, I’ve released over two hours of in-depth exploration of LGBTQ content on TV and movie screens -- here are just a few of my favorites, and I can’t wait to make even more for you in 2019:

19 Livestreams!

I have to confess that I’m nervous every time I start one of the twice-monthly livestreams -- what if nobody shows up? But then, every time, folks immediately jump into the chat to share what they’re watching, what’s going on in their lives, and their recommendations. Chatting with you is honestly the highlight of my month -- it’s so exciting to bring you in-person time with Sewers of Paris guests, and to get your suggestions for more stuff to watch, read, and listen to. It really feels like we’re hanging out at a coffee shop with friends, and I’m just so grateful to everyone who comes by to say hello. Here are just a few highlights from this year’s livestreams:

45 Weekly Debriefs!

We’re at a pivotal point in queer history right now -- over the last few decades, LGBTQ folks have fought hard for our freedom, but we face powerful obstacles that could take those advances away. As someone who covers queer news, I know it can be an insurmountable task to stay informed. So it’s a real honor that so many folks check out Weekly Debrief for a roundup of the week’s top LGBTQ news -- not only to find out what’s happening in the world, but for actions you can take to improve people’s lives. Together, I really feel like we’re honoring the hard work of those pioneers who came before.

Those videos aren’t quick to make -- there’s a lot of research, writing, shooting, and editing that goes into each one. At the start of 2018, Weekly Debrief was a text-only slideshow. But thanks to your support, I’ve been able to return to making on-camera videos, and haven’t missed a single week. Subscribe and stay up to date here!

But wait, there’s more!

Your support means so much to me, and I love that I can produce videos, podcasts, and live streams directly for you. It’s a tremendous honor to have your backing, and I can’t wait to get started on making more content for you in 2019.

In fact, starting in January, I’ll be adding more content and rewards to what you’re already getting! Keep your eyes out for an announcement about that very soon! 

And until then, may the spirit of the season fill you with brightness, cheer, and croissants.



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