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First off, I want to give a HUGE thanks to all my Patreons that have supported me these past couple years. It means a lot and helps with the motivation to keep going. As stated in the title, I have completed my first graphic novel Cashmere Sky: Volume 1! It clocks in at just over 150 pages. However, this isn't the end, but only the beginning!

Obviously the pages are going to keep getting posted online every week until the book is finished. In the meantime I have mountains of work ahead of me with book planning, logistics, even shopping for publishers (we'll see about that huh). I plan to do some small print runs initially which leads me to my next point.

I've recently learned that I've been accepted into the Anthrocon Dealer's Room for July 2020 in Pittsburgh next year, which means I will have a booth with actual... TANGIBLE stuff to buy... INCLUDING THE PRINTED BOOK! (first print con special) Plus if you attend, I can finally meet some of you! It's also my first con ever so I'm crash coursing as hard as I can to do this as best as possible. It's exciting as much as it is nerve racking. 

I also want to mention that I will absolutely still be hitting art just as hard in the coming months, and may actually end up posting more than usual since it won't be specifically comic work. I have tons of things I want to accomplish, from getting Volume 2's script written, working on art fundamentals and exercises, plus experimenting with new designs and styles for the next book. The well isn't drying up, it'll be overflowing. I try not to think about it too much as I get overwhelmed.

I have more things in store in the near future and will be posting some updates over the coming weeks / months. I have a lot to organize and want to make sure I know the shot before I announce anything. Anyway, love you all! Thanks again! <3

- Jared



Python Blue

Congrats for volume 1 being completed!