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New elf waifu, Dungeon Meshi, amazing manga, highly recommend



Rei Vesta

God damn that pelvic area, the midriff God it's good. Love your work as always keep it up.💙💙💙 But also remember if you need a break it's alright burn out is a bitch.

Cheyenne Blundell

Ooh thank you for sharing Ami, gorgeous work as always. I hadnt heard of this manga before will have to go check it out.


is the download missing pictures? the number goes from 1 straight to 4

Rachel Staples

Hi brandon, you may have missed the sub-folder named futa. That has works 2 and 3.

Ryan Kitchen

Hey personalami, they actually started releasing the anime version of this manga on Netflix, the first episode is already out and the 2nd is coming out on the 11th of this month.


yeah ik, just finished the manga and knowing its trigger who does the adaptation I'm sure it will be easily the best anime of the decade


don't worry I have them too, just confused why the file numbers were off