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can check as many options as you like or none at all


Kiro Haas

Do thy civic duty and vote (for small tiddies)!


Tall Tomboy Supremacy


done too, curious to see the result


what's up with (ripped)? somehow that doesn't fit into the survey for me


Everything between Khiara and Ajhira (both included) is good, i think you have a quite large pannel of characters.


Could do with some clarification of what you consider "Fat". Are we talking stuff you haven't drawn before. Or like that recent Alexstrasza piece you did.


hmm dunno like starting with that alexstrasza and up to this https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/personalami/580537/E-X-T-R-A-T-H-I-C-C https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/personalami/919304/Koira https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/personalami/702303/Shaona but yeah I never did like really obese chars with fat rolls and belly folds


I've definitely got my type, but anything you draw ends up being super hot, so anything you feel like drawing works for me lol


I think your greatest strength is your variety. While I'll admit that I too was originally drawn to your art for the more slender women (which is a niche you fill particularly well), I stay because there is a little bit of everything. My favorite part of your works are the included variations, since there's almost always a combination that matches what I'm into. Draw whatever you're passionate about drawing, then add variations that you think others might like. If anything, I wish I could vote for more variations instead of particular features.

Jack Newbill

Click all of them, cowards!


JoCat sums up my feelings: https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810


Yep, I like it more realistic.


What about cocks i have opinions about cocks as well


I really wish we got more buff women here.


love to see more tomboy builds ( fit, tall, short hair, ect )


Really really want tomboy stuff


What about clothing? Certain clothing is hotter than none at all...


I can second that, not hardcore ripped, but more defined.


I joined for the petite girls


Checked everything...all sizes/shapes are fine by me.

The Tree

We need more representation for absolutely ripped characters


You can see the bell curves in the responses, lol


I personally prefer the curvy/voloptous ones which is very rare to see from personalami


I must say I prefer realism and femininity over all when it comes to any female. I've never been a fan of "Hyper" or unrealistic features (Male or Female) and am quite turned off in retrospect. I love a Tomboy as much as I love a Southern Rose, taking the route of extremely exaggerated aspects feels...cheap and uncharacteristic. Unless for your own personal pleasure, a commission, etc, I'd prefer you continue creating a more realistic style of art as it is something I've come to truly cherish. My wallpaper is still your masterful work of Einarr and Khiara looking over the plains with mountains and clouds in the background.


What do if I like all of them!? Though, more specifically, I have a tendency to like artwork that involves 2 or more people interacting. My absolute favorite is from a while ago of Khiara and Einar having sex but many of the other ones show a lot of personality when they are interacting with others. So yeah, I suppose what I'd like is more "scenes" rather than the usual portraits.


You draw the best petite/flat girls 😊 can't think of many artists that are in-between the 'flat chest' and 'a literal child'