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Nice to see so many of the smaller-breasted girls getting votes - what I love about personalami is that they draw many wonderful small-breasted women. Wow that sounds awkward and pervy when written down, but in a world where so many artists seem to think that sexy begins and ends with J-cup anime breasts the size of small moons, adding them to everyone, it's fantastic to have an artist who knows that sexy comes in more ways than back-breaking anime tiddies.


Oh ami <3


Nah not pervy, everyone has preferences and being able to express it can sometimes sound weird. I personally follow specifically for the variety in types of women. And the art is top of the line! Cherry on top is the fact that there are no “monthly packs” which is nice if someone has to unpledge due to finances, they don’t miss out when they come back


Everything sounds weird when talking about fictional characters in porn