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Joshua Garcia

And Yugiri?? Oh please yes

Knotty Sergal

THERE SHE IS. I spoke too soon lol


need midna.

Sean Lambourne

You put Vi and Midna in the same poll?? no this isn't fair. I wanna see both but I can only vote for one


Definitely more Xandra!


Come Darkelf (prioress), I know u want it too


We need more chubby girls in our lives like Shaona




Came here to see if Rebecca was winning by a landslide. ..And she is, but also tied ish? ..I'll accept that lol


Xandra or Rebecca. (Large cock for both 👍)


I see FF14 I vote FF14 lol, unfortunately neither my favorite bun bun or dragon lady are doing as well as I'd hoped for.


So the way I see it works (Unless I stand to be corrected) is first suggestions gets into the first poll, 2nd into the second. Having both Vi and Midna suggested as someones 1st is why you see both in one area and not the other. Why I always check current suggestions before I make my own, and also so that their isn't a repeat of a character suggestion. If you're looking for some good Vi artwork I believe Sakimichan and Neoartcore did some, but I know Dandon Fuga did a few months prior. All of which are amazing artists I'd consider on par with PA (Personalami) :D, ones I've happily supported for years now and never been dissapointed!


And I will forever vote for them! One day lightning will strike...twice in our case :D!