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Gonna start thinking on Scarlet Witch pic tomorrow, meanwhile I want your opinion

What if we take a break with next polls and do more personal art, most likely in a quicker style? Some pics of our OCs, some fanarts of our choice, maybe a pinup comm or two? There'll be like 2.5x more stuff than we usually did but a bit simplified and our thing



I’ve been loving the personal stuff you’ve been doing lately and I’m glad it’s helping you fall back in love with your own art, I think we all benefit when you are exploring your passion instead of just doing a job :)


I hope that means more of that cute nelf druid with the cateyes/form xD


One of the best artists out there right now! Love all your versions and talent. Don’t want it to be just a chore/job. Be creative and follow your dreams. We’ve got you!


I realize I don't care so much anymore. With the old color scheme the pictures were exceptional, with the new color scheme the pictures have dropped to the level of quite nice.


Yes, an artist should always be doing their own personal projects for growth and to keep refining their style. Definitely do some more personal art!


Imo what is the most gorgeous in anything (music, art, any kind of activity) is the passion. The enthusiasm, the spark in their eyes. Do what you really enjoy to do.


Will y do personal stuff with dif versions or just a lot of usual art?