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Chel pic is almost done, you suggest options for next polls

It will be three (3) single (1) character pics, 2 illustrations like usual and one simple pinup for OCs

Poll#1 -  Warcraft Shadowlands characters ONLY, from those new covens and shit. NO OCs, no Sylvanas
Also remember rule63 is also an option
Poll#2 - A halloween themed character, like a vampire, some kind of undead, witch, werewolf and all that shit. No "random char that has nothing to do with it but in witch outfit" kind of shit.  No warcraft, no OCs.
Halloween themed skins from games allowed.
Poll#3 - Any OC for a simple pinup, not necessarily yours, so you better suggest my OCs or I call the police

Btw only 1st 20 options are included to the poll cuz of patreon polls limit

For my convenience, reply with
1. Char x
2. Char y  (name of franchise)
3. Char z




1. Winter Queen 2. Mercy Witch Skin (Overwatch) 3. Jacquelyn Desperadeux https://imgur.com/a/utxgzp8


1. Lady Vashj (Shadowlands Version) 2. Amelia (Underworld Series)


1. Devos(Bastion?) 2. Carmilla (Castlevania Netflix Animation) 3. Angelise Reiter


1. Sire Denathrius R63 (Matron/Mistress Denathrius? :P ) 2. Baba Yaga (Russian/Slavic Folklore) 3. Cassandra (your angel OC)


yo dude baba yaga is like the shit they scare children with, its always depicted as the ugliest old hag imaginable, are you sure bout that


1. Draka (Shadowlands v) 2. Maleficent (she's a witch definitely) 3. Tala (OC https://i.imgur.com/z3K3BWc.png )


3. Qiuyu (furry OC) https://www.dropbox.com/s/sodg4m9sh2omssw/qiuyu.jpg?dl=0


1. Calia Menethiel 2. Theresa Voreman(vampire masquerade bloodlines)


1. Uther the Lightbringer Shadowlands Rule 63 2. Sombra Overwatch Zombie Skin 3. Synea (OC)


1. Uther. Glorious beard and all. 2. The Witch, L4D2 3. Serrah's tits. And maybe the rest of her too idk.


Therese Voerman. I think the surname is dutch, hence the somewhat weird spelling. :)


1.) One of those satyr-like Nightfae goats. 2.) Morticia (Addams family) 3.) Sharlah(?)


1. Naga Queen Azshara 2. Serana (Elder Scrolls Skyrim), 3 Thelema


More cute doggo pics are a definitive vote, first and foremost!!! But 1. Nightfae, 2. Female Weregarurumon (Digimon)!? Or Werewolf in general! 3. More Cat Chell!? Cus my god that was hotter then hell!