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I'm having some kind of allergy for years and I didn't really give a fuck about it until like 1.5 months ago. It was hard to breathe all day long, I was breathing with hissing and whistling, and overall I had to breathe in some kind of "manual" mode, concentrating on it all the time. My ribcage was in pain cuz constant pressure by the night, and I had to call an ambulance. They gave me some shit to breathe via nebulizer to remove the spasm and it became better. It was a bronchial spasm caused by allergic reaction.
So I finally quit smoking after 10 years, was visiting allergologist 3 times a week doing allergy tests that returned nothing, now taking some meds.
tl;dr get an appropriate and timely healthcare



Tashi Gibson

Oh :( Sorry to hear all that! I hope you will be better soon. And good that you quit smoking. I hope that will help you get better. Take all the time you need to heal, thanks so much for all your arts. This one is not so much for me, but the execution is still amazing as always!


I've felt like that for ages, but finally I got permission to see a specialist and they did an x-ray. They found my right nostril was mostly closed off and my right cheek sinus was completely closed off and full of fluid. Anyhow one operation later and I don't feel like I have cold/flu all the time :).


The strange thing is all the blood tests are ok, all the x-rays are ok, all the allergy tests are negative, only the rhinocytogram shows a huge amount of something that tells I'm allergic.


Hopefully not a prelude to something worse hidden away. Hope you get better soon!


Sucks big time... I can relate to it. I've suffered from allergic asthma for the first 30 years of my life. It did eventually grew out it seems as I've had no problems for the last 20 years... still ruined a lot in the 30 years I suffered from it. I still got pollinosis (with a wide range of allergens), but that's bearable with some antihistamines. At any rate it is not wise to ignore allergies, they can change the 'floor' (i.e. a pollinosis can become allergic asthma or neurodermatitis. No one wants that to happen. Problem with allergy tests is, they are limited. You can become allergic to almost anything but the tests only cover a few hundred of the more common substances at best. Might be a cleaning agent you are using in your house, might be your deodorant, heck it could be the dry food for the fish in your tank.


You can't be too careful. On the 17th I ended up in the ER with heart attack symptoms. They're still trying to figure out what caused it.


I should take your advice... :/ It's usually better to know than to stay uncertain.


Damn, that sucks... :( On the plus side, it's good that you've gotten it seen to! Congrats on quitting smoking, btw. I can imagine that being really hard to do, so kudos to you for accomplishing that :D I must say this piece has come out super well, the details (particularly of Ahri's tails and Sona's hair) are really, really good. Excellent work :)

Eddie Murphy

I hope you start to feel better soon!


That's some bad shit man! But despite it all at least your moving forward, and improving your health! Quitting smoking just like that is a very hard thing to do so kudos on you for performing such a massive accomplishment, I'm sure in time you'll feel even better, get well soon mate!