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After January 2022, All the sketch and Illustration post will be wipe out to make my page as clean as possibly for a new payout situation. I don't know how long I can use payoneer for but I will try to make it last as long as possible.

The Illustration will still be part of the image pack but I cannot post a WIP or illust. that show certain body part anymore so the WIP might have to be cropped or unable to post.

I am really sorry for the inconvenient. Hope everyone understand


Joseph Wu

I just want to clarify a bit since I am a bit confused, If we want to keep supporting you we have to switch to Payoneer? When do we switch, and will gumroad still be a place to support you?


You do not have to switch anything. Everything will be done on my end. Payoneer is somewhat more strict than paypal so I have to be mor careful about what I pose.