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Lines are drawn. The Darkness comes.

CW: Death of a family member, ritual bloodletting, monster sounds, loss of a partner, humiliation, snake, description of a funeral, cat sounds.

Written by Steve Shell and Cam Collins
Narrated by Steve Shell
Sound design by Steve Shell
Produced by Cam Collins and Steve Shell
The voice of Glory Ann Teasely: Allison Mullins
The voice of Batch Boggs: Steve Shell
The voice of Waylon Boggs: Brandon Bentley
The voice of Verna Teasely: Aliya Johnson
The voice of Rosemary McCoy: Ashe Loeper
Intro and Outro Music: “Black Mouthed Dog” by Landon Blood



Maegan Heise

Miss Emmaline is my favourite.

Mary Morris

Kyle and the cat! I had a feeling that she was a familiar! I about laughed out loud- this on the lines of the fire breathing geese.


Brother Bartholomew named Glory Ann Boggs "Spine of the Mountain." I wasn't under the impression that Bartholomew's titles come from anywhere in particular. I think he just has a way of articulating the truth of a person. Glory Ann Boggs isn't *called* Spine of the Mountain. She just IS.

K.A. Dorgan

The lines are sublime, especially the last one. 💙


This was such a tearjerker. What a rollercoaster! I love the backstory, and love the promise of more later to fill in the gaps between other stories.


I listen to these stories at the gym and I started crying in the middle of lifting today 😭. I’m sure the whole gym was looking at me strange but damn y’all write amazing stories. Also, as a queer-identifying individual, I just have to specially thank y’all for the inclusive work y’all do. It does my heart so much good to have stories I can imagine myself in. Thank you!


Would it be possible to make a soundscape post based on the background noise/music when Batch last speaks to Rosemary?!??


Would love to hear the story of how Glory Anne got the name Spine of the Mountain and also where all the other adults were


Stories like this is why I became a Patreon member. I am once again wowed and have so many questions which I hope future stories will answer. I could've listened to this when the finale was released, but decided to instead go back as time allowed and listened to EVERYTHING all over again. I've listened to Seasons 1 and 2..three times. Build Mama A Coffin and now Black Mouthed Dog twice. I'm sure I'll listen to them all again. I love listening to Steve and all the other voice actors spin their tales especially after rough days at work. Brings peace to this old soul. Thank you!


Just listened to it all for the second time. Got chills again at the very end. Keep up the awesome writing!


Where have I been?! This is the best story, chills, magic, strong people, but no free passes everything has a cost. My mothers family started out in West Virginia, generations ago, and moved west slowly. I always wanted to know more, and this is a taste of both the real mountains and those that live in our imaginations. Thank you, its an outstandingly written and performed story. ❤️❤️


Now that is how you do a proper banishing!


This. Like, even with all of the deep and marvelous character work in each and every one, I have found that whenever strife inevitably comes to one of the many couples throughout these stories who are identified as different genders, it makes me feel that deeply. But when it comes to couples identified as the same/similar genders? I don't know why but those hit even deeper, right down to the marrow.


Just subscribed to the patreon yesterday. But im fully caught up on everything now and I adore all of it, but i gotta say. Black Mouthed Dog was the most emotional arc for me. Great job.