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We thank you for patience, Family.

Sickness and  tragedy in the real world have delayed this tale long enough.  In the very near future you will know how this chapter of life in Boggs Holler came to an end, and would come from that ending.  Soon, Family.  Soon.



Hallena Hinkle

Good things come in their own time. If you don't take time to care for yourself, the universe will do it for you. Rest well. We'll leave the front porch light on for you ❤️


Be safe. be healthy. We will be here when you're ready.


Obviously we are happy for the last episode, however even if it had taken much longer we would have all been ok with that, y’all’s health wellbeing is very important to all of us. We are all family here and we appreciate all the hard work every one of you put in for us. Stellar podcast all the way around. Best wishes to y’all…

Vivika Kerridge

Light, love and the green coming your way. I'm so sorry to hear things are hard behind the scenes, thinking of you all x


Take care of yourselves 💙💙 humanity has been telling stories since the dawn of time - we’ll still be here to listen whenever it comes!


Very sorry for what you all are going through it can be a hard life Time may or may not heal all wounds but the sharp Stabbing wounds will Will become just a Dull ache


Thank you so much for doing all that you do! Take care and hold onto your loved ones 🖤

Josh Jones

I understand. No worries about taking time away from the story. Sorry that you’ve experienced such a difficult time with sickness and tragedy. I’m happy that you’re still with us, and I wish for mending hearts and peace for you and your friends and families.


Hey, family is here through and through. We'll all be waiting in our rocking chairs if we have to.

Mayre's World

Take care of those who need you RL. This family has patience and are here through it all. Be safe.

Lord Rancid

Excellent! I've been holding off on tucking into season 3 so as not to get my story threads all messed up :)


Yall posted this on my birthday and the release date is on my husband's (also a listener). Must be a sign. Hopefully not one that means we're dying on the family property in the country we're fixing on moving to. Lol, seems a little too on the nose, right? ... right??