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Steve reads to you from his chapbook “Circles of Salt.”




You’re an inspiration, Steve. I’m honored to be called Family

Violet Farraday

Love hearing more of your work!! And your rants make me giggle cos they remind me of my own...I feel the same about Supernatural!


I would love to read your chap books. Please publish them


I own and love Circles of Salt, Steve. Is there any chance you’d read “John the Baptist Speaks to the Southern Baptist Church”? As someone born and raised in the Bible Belt among evangelical culture, that piece is so powerful.


I have to say I agree 100% about Supernatural as much as I love the 10 additional seasons


1. You are right and I will help you fight anyone over that mess past season 5. 2. Please reproduce this volume or a new volume, I intended to buy a copy but if you get no royalties bezos can bite me

Hannah Akio

Supernatural was a family affair for us. My son made sure demon protections were placed throughout the house, appropriately at doorways. Also, I bought the chap book based on this reading. We started a new slam poetry group for people in recovery, and this is fire! Gratitude

Jay Eilers

Thanks for sharing your earlier work. I am definitely interested in supporting future projects.

Ivy Lou

These are lovely. I just added this to my Amazon Cart :)


late to the party but oh man "Cheekbones" made me cry


seconded on both counts but mostly "why would i buy a book for which the author makes no money but i Do Very Much want to own this book"

Melissa Chavez

I am speechless 💕 Thank you for sharing.


I would love to buy a volume of your poetry 🙏