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A favorite elixir. Sadly, I can't give you a video if the classic preparation involving a sugar cube a slie drips of water, Family, as I don't like sugar in my absinthe.




I also do not like sugar in my absinthe. I've never tried Grande Absente, but I think the original Absente had added sugar. Do you know if that's the case with this version?


a local distillery close by(Port Chilkoot in Haines Alaska) makes a very nice absinthe called Green Siren. worth trying if you ever find it.

Marc Kevin Hall

I have a bottle of that same absinthe. It's quite good!

Beau Salsman

I drink my absinthe neat as well.

Randa Hanson

So I've been appreciating your background decor in your pictures (love the stuffed bats in the samhain picture), and I'm about to prove my nerdiness here... Do I see, on your media shelf in the background, the special, extra extended, director's cut editions of LOTR in the fake-book boxes? If so, I congratulate you! I had mine stolen several years ago and can't replace them because they're out of print and last I checked someone wanted $120 for a badly used set 😖 Watch and enjoy for me!