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March Mini Update! [+ Poll]

  • I would love to see more world building stuff! 11
  • I'm not too interested in the story behind the characters. 2
  • 2024-03-05
  • 13 votes
{'title': 'March Mini Update! [+ Poll]', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would love to see more world building stuff!', 'votes': 11}, {'text': "I'm not too interested in the story behind the characters.", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 5, 11, 36, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 13}


I can't remember if I do these at the beginning of the month, or the end, or if it really is just "I have a thing I want to talk about and it's this month," but here's a mini update! Although I kind of want to talk about a couple of things and poll you guys on something as well.

Mochi Moshi
As the game's writing portion wraps up, it's getting harder to resource my time to everything I want to do. A lot of huge things I want to do this year are getting side tracked, which is fine, but it bums me out a bit. Mochi Moshi is my main priority right now, besides Exclusive image obligations. Every single day I've been working on Mochi Moshi, which is something I haven't done since July-August 2021, which is giving me a hell of a lot of tasks to organize. That being said, soon all of the writing will be done and I'll finally be able to breathe and work on some less strenuous tasks. More details on that at the end of the month.
I'm not really worried about anything, but just know that if you don't see art from me as quick as normal, it's because I'm working on something else.

Side Projects
I mentioned this above, but I have a lot of huge side projects I want to start or continue to work on. A lot of stuff is spaced out so I can work on it one bit at a time but here's a couple of things to make note of for "What to see in 2024." (I know this is late into the year, I just didn't tell you guys until right now~!)

Other Art Projects
I want to make a low poly 3d model of Evelyn I can use... This is just a selfish desire honestly.

More isometric pixel art practice! I want to do more isometric pixel art! The mini Faeona I did was so satisfying and looked so good that I just want to build her shop in pixel art as well as eventually build the entire Salem Outlets, the mall where all my characters reside. The more I make, the easier it will be to fill out the world of "Mallcore: Hellzone."

World Building
Mallcore: Hellzone, if you are seeing that title for the first time, is the universe that all of my active characters live in. From Viri to Evelyn, from Yumian to Appraisal, they all live and are grounded to the rules of that universe. A title I gave it back in 2016 (WOW!), this has been a huge ongoing project in itself, to slowly construct a universe that I can ever expand with more freaks and geeks. I hope that you can believe someone like Yumian, a dream eating slob, can live in the same world as Evelyn, a fetish power wielding succubus, all while the center of attention is just the fact that they all operate around the same location.

Salem Outlets is the main location that everything in the Yummy Goods OC world you see takes place, practically. Characters live there, characters meet up there, characters are thrown out there. A place that would otherwise be abandoned in modern era, takes place in a 200X world and is the center of the universe... almost literally. It's one of Earth's major portals connecting outer-realm worlds together, making it an outpost of sorts, masked as a human mall. What it's actually is almost a complete indoor city with an apartment complex, circus, individual housing in the businesses that operate there, and other fantastical things. Think the richest mall in Singapore X Mall of America.
Obviously characters like Yumian and Tura live away from the mall since Tura is a college student and any travel to the outlets would have to be done through metro systems, as seen with Yumian's Monthly Trip. But characters like Faeona, live in the mall. Ashley resides in a temporary housing in the apartment complex in the mall but settled down after his traveling circus became a permanent act, boosting his popularity from star to mall idol. Kazumi lives in a Condo away from the Mall entirely. Appraisal is banned from the mall, but has her ways, and Evelyn just lives with Ashley now, she used to transport back and forth between the worlds but her relationships with Ashley is fantastic and it's just easier for the both of them. There's a lot of thought that has gone into this stuff....

I plan on making my first bit of merch the moment I'm back home. I want something useful and easy to just have. A company that has a lot of products with sexy characters on them gave me the idea of having my first product be a water bottle. I don't want a shaker bottle, I think I just want a jug of water maybe 32ozs. Posters are too much of a hassle to ship, and not everyone wants to hang sexy girls on their walls, shirts are too hard to do without extras and guaranteeing print quality, and plushies are eventually something I want to do but we won't see until Mochi Moshi's release. If there's any ideas for merch that you want, I have a couple myself. I want to see if I can get custom TCG card sleeves printed, stickers and a bunch of other random stuff. Acrylics would be nice too eventually!

Poll Question
Okay so here's my question for you all.
Do you want to see/read more world building stuff?
It'll happen whether you want it or not, but I just want to gauge how interested people are in learning more directly about the characters, their relationships, and how Viri and Yumian are connected.

Thank you!
I lied to you all..... this was no mini update..... I got carried away.....
Thank you for reading all of it or at least skipping to the end and voting in the poll, I appreciate it a bunch!!! Have a wonderful March! More pictures soon! Idk who to draw yet but I'll figure it out by tomorrow!


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