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January 1st 2024 Poll

  • Chiyari Tenkajin 2
  • Flandre Scarlet 3
  • Hecatia Lapislazuli 1
  • Reisen Inaba 0
  • Suika Ibuki 1
  • 2023-12-25
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'January 1st 2024 Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Chiyari Tenkajin', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Flandre Scarlet', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Hecatia Lapislazuli', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Reisen Inaba', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Suika Ibuki', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 25, 4, 38, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


First of all, hi hello hey.
Today is my birthday (December 24th), that's right I'm a Christmas Eve baby.
Now that that's out of the way (thank you for wishing me happy birthday <3), this is the annual New Years Touhou Poll.
This will be the fourth year in a row that I do this and that's nuts to me what the fuck.
Anyways, I figured because there's so many good Touhou girls, I'll do TWO polls. That's right, the whole month of January will be Touhou themed. You can suggest Touhou characters below and the ones I'm willing to draw will be in the next poll.
However this poll is different. That's right, this is not an ass poll, it's not a weight gain poll, you don't KNOW what I'm going to focus on. Because the Touhou characters are so fun and diverse the situations I want to put them in varies on their characteristics and clothing. Aka, why not put the neet girl in a situation where you can see her fat gut bulging out of her large shirt right? Not to spoil any ideas I have but you get the idea.

Rambling aside I'll use this as a sort of Mini Update before you all vote.

  • Mochi Moshi Update on the 27th-28th as always, might be delayed to the 29th if I get busy
  • And that's it.

Just wanted to focus on that for a second, also Happy Holidays!

Now let me introduce the girls.

Chiyari Tenkajin, also known as Touhou's Neet Girl. Do I really really need to say more? Oversized shirt, chemical slinging blood drinker who found paradise after finding an infinite pool of blood she could engorge herself on. Will I draw her drinking blood, probably not, will I draw her fat and neety? Absolutely.

Flandre Scarlet, Vampire Princess of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. As famous as her theme song, this bratty princess was probably one of my favorite designs as a teen. The gaudy wings made out of crystals is bad ass an that outfit is just ripe for drawing tight.

Hecatia Lapislazuli, the Goddess of hell who has three separate bodies that all reside on whatever little globe she's got in her hat. Her design is so fucking stupid that I can't help but love her with all my heart. With her "Welcome Hell" shirt, and the Super Mario World Switch Palace skirt, she's more charming than the original Hot Topic Decor in '09.

Reisen Inaba, a bunny girl in a sailor fuku. Not only is she the star of the IOSYS classic "Overdrive," she's also an actual Moon Rabbit. Do you want me to say something horny about the most cliché outfit in the world? Okay, one word, upskirt.

Suika Ibuki, a girl whose physical strength is purely equal to the amount of alcohol she consumes. This drunkard is not only an oni, she's also the stereotypical oni. That's right, the brawling, alcoholic binging Japanese Goblin.

Vote literally anyone, they're all perfect choices. If I really wanted to I could do Touhou fanart forever but I think people who really really want to see something else would get really pissed off and I'm already a kink artist so it'd really back me into a corner. A Christmas Eve baby can dream...





Touhou! Nice! Though missed opportunity to do Meiling, 2024 is the year of the dragon.


I tend to consider Chinese Zodiac stuff to be done in February, but also January 15th will be Touhou Poll 2 with a new set of girls.