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The farther we get into the game and as we finish it up the more difficult making routes different from each other becomes but the fun of writing these characters never ends.

The 25th Route + Future
The 25th route right now is being shelved as we look towards finishing the routes that have a more methodical approach to them. I don't want to tack on a 25ht route at this point in time because it would be so different than everything else to this point. Multiple ideas have been thrown around and I don't want it to be considered a "canonical ending" more like a fanservicy, bonus. The 25th Route as a whole might also be something that just won't be in the 1.0 release of the game, same with the dress up Kazumi mode. I want to cut back a bit of scope just to finish what we have. I know this might be disappointing to hear but I will make it up to you by saying 1.0 is not the final release and that I plan on making a deluxe version of the game at some point, more information on that later.

What's next?
After the writing is finished we're going to instantly move into drafting mode where there's a bunch of tasks we have set out as we re-read and re-write everything that's been done. I want to preface this by saying that this will only take two months max, there's a lot to read but this point it won't be a lot of clean up work and the only things that need to be re-written are the first weeks to solidify everything.
During Cleanup we need to:The Introduction
This month's log is full of hope with no suspense, no drama and a lot of exciting news. Alright maybe "a lot" is an overstatement but if you read the last log you probably got really hyped at the idea that the script is close to being finished. We had a meeting and discussed where we're taking the remaining routes and began discussions on what to do during the next phase of development. Let's break that down.

The Final Routes
As it is now, by the start of December I will only be tasked with two routes (5 nodes) and then my writing work will be finished. I have to write those 5 nodes by the beginning of February. My co-writer is also chugging along and we discussed in call what to do with the routes she's planning including a route where she writes a table-top campaign.
Currently I'm finishing LAB, Lazy Ass Breast Route, and here's a snippet from week 3:

  • Make note of the different emoticon expressions Kazumi will have
  • Make note of every single social media picture that she takes and organize them
  • Make note of all of the CGs and their scenarios for YOU to vote on
  • Fix continuity
  • Fix grammar or at least make it clear which grammatical errors are on purpose
  • Make note of every actual expression Kazumi will be expressing for her large model
  • Make note of any route that does something different.

It's a large phase but it's also just something we will have a HUGE spreadsheet for and share. There will also be some draft readers that will be able to take the load off on some of these tasks like continuity and grammar as well as a minor bit of "play testing" in a quick twine map to prove the route system. You as a supporter will not gain access to this bit of playtesting as there's nothing to actually see except the writing. Eventually, sometime in 2024, we will have a very minor play demo with a set path and locked off options with basic placeholder art to show off the concept pieced together with the current story we have. I don't have an actual date for when the game will be finished but know that this writing section is going to be the longest part of this journey next to asset creation.
if every node (64) has 2-3 images each, that means 128-192 social media images need to be drawn. I will be asking for help, organizing it so it goes quickly and I will make sure that asset creation doesn't take over a year. I do want to make Kazumi look as good as she can, illustrate her gaining weight and expanding in a way that is sexy, as well as giving you guys a visual novel that is as fun to play with as it is to jack off to.

The Deluxe Edition
Since I did tease it I might as well explain it a bit more on what I want to do and my ambitions for that. But pay attention because I'm going to go rather quickly okay?
The Deluxe Edition is planned to be a paid version of the game that long time supporters of this will gain access to for free granted they are supporters the month of release, the idea is to have steam keys distributed through the messaging system of this website. AS WELL AS people who paid for the itch.io release of the game when it comes out (As long as MSRP is paid). The deluxe edition will have all 24 routes with ending cgs, and anything that was missing from the original release that had to be cut due to time constraints. The idea is that if this game is actually received really well I want to have a plan to continue it's development and be able to produce a physical version of this game that I can be 1000000% satisfied with.
The Deluxe Edition is just a pipe dream and right now I haven't made enough money to do half of the things I want to do with a physical edition, but the idea is to:

  • Get a plush of Kazumi made
  • Produce a manual
  • Poster
  • CD/Flash Drive with the master version game on it
  • Any Custom Music burned onto a CD/Flashdrive as well as a mini soundtrack
  • All in a collectors edition box with a plastic seethrough window.

I know some of you might think this is crazy to be thinking of when the game doesn't even have any art drawn for it yet, and you might be right, but this ambition of mine is the reason this game is being chugged along at this speed. Whenever I think about Mochi Moshi I think about owning the game I made with one of my best friends in a box being able to show people in my life I created this. I don't care if it's popular, I don't care how many people like it... It's just something that I have as a goal and I can't get it out of my head.

Thank you
Sorry for my ramblings, this was an insanely long dev log. Thank you for supporting me this month. I hope that you continue to support me as Mochi Moshi speeds up it's development into the meat of the project. Enjoy the rest of November, and have a fantastic start of December. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah!

Thank you again for sticking with me, it's been over two years since the start of this project and at this point games get shelved or get reworked 1000 times. Although the writing might seem like it's going slow, we have so much planned that I hope you can enjoy the world we've made. Thank you.


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