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Also known as "I'm sick of how people keep telling me to care about Twitter dying"

Edit: Making this post public

Listen I'm not going to be the kind of person who goes "Oh my god the twitter world is ending," But the fact that every single week here people think the website is going to kill itself, something has to happen and I wonder what sites people use other than Twitter for social media, porn consumption and practically anything an artist like me would need to use social media for.

I do have a main twitter separated from my art twitter that I bitch and chat on, but the lack of freedom of having access to adult content as an adult creator is always depressing with sites like instagram (Which is owned by facebook btw, i feel like people forget that shit), and Tumblr (Which Nixed the fucking porn shit and now it's up in the air what the fuck anyone is doing with anything).

This post is completely ignorable and might be a bit trigger happy in terms of getting something out there as a statement, but I genuinely am curious.
Are there any websites out there you use for both social media and porn/adult content/fetish art?

I have a deviant art, pixiv, furaffinity (which I'm not using anymore since they allow 13 year olds to be portrayed in fetish art but don't allow like, actual adult characters being short or whatever the fuck), and I have a few parked locations like ello, itaku (lol) and cohost (lol).

I don't want to make a discord private server, that's literally my job that I do to make money and it makes me want to drill a third ear hole into the back of my skull sometimes. I doubt there's some magical place that everyone will gather and honestly in the end twitter will probably still be around just with even more people doom spreading.

Do I ultimately think Twitter will shut down? Absolutely not. Do I think a lot of people will probably jump ship? Oh yeah 100%. So I figured I'd ask the people who actually pay for my art where would they want to see me post? Then again you all have the luxury of having this place.

I know this is ending up pretty long, I just woke up and it's about 10AM Swedish time (CEST) so both my thoughts are everywhere but at the same time my "voice" in writing is also tired. I don't mind if no one has any suggestions on where to go, so I'll just throw up a poll on the bottom.

This is the question for the poll:
What website do you plan on using if Twitter continues to degrade, or you get sick of it?


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