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Viri (Vih-ree) is a computer virus girl become sentient and real. She commands her own army of Guardians, which are mindless drones that don't know anything they're doing, that she calls Viroos (Vih-ruz).
What if I told you in the background alone, I painstakingly added about 20 references all through out Window's history from 98 to Vista and then had these little terrible bastards fuck everything up.
Oh yeah, Viri's right eye is a mouth. The tongue can move 360 degrees around her eye/mouth hole.

I realized apparently no one knows all of the references so as a funny little treat I'll list them all for you.

Viri Computer Background References:

  • Windows NT 4.0 Server Window
  • Email-Worm.Win32.MeltingScreen
  • Blue Screen of Death (Windows 98)
  • you are an idiot!!! email worm
  • Windows 98 
  • au by KDDI emoji of the telephone-reciever
  • Windows 98 Popup windows
  • Windows 98 globe.ani connecting the windows
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Klondike Victory
  • Windows Vista Default Wallpaper Vistas
  • Clippy
  • Win 98 image file shapes
  • Win XP Firewall
  • Windows Defender
  • Bliss (Windows XP Default Wallpaper)
  • My Computer 
  • Welcome to Windows XP
  • Windows XP Shortcut
  • Defragmentation Windows XP



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