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The title of today's dev log means nothing by the way, before anyone gets scared.

If you haven't read last weeks developer's log, you should probably do so. Just check the tags at the bottom of this post to see every single log in reverse chorological order. This log is basically going to be about how a node/week is written and what planning goes into it. This information is going to be useful when I talk about how long or short some paths are and why it can take a while to write one, but no time to write three as well.

Every single week has their location already picked out ahead of time except the final week of every path. This is to ensure that for my co-writer and I, that we have an easier way of starting every single week before we create the best possible ending location. I have a grid that actually explains what location fits what transformation/expansion option. To avoid spoilers I will not be posting the chart in its full.

Every first option is going to be labeled in the middle. So your weight gain starting location will be the Cake Buffet every single playthrough. It will also play out the same every single time, so when playing the game, I request those of you who want to see every route to not play the game like a checklist, but rather pick the locations and situations that seem interesting to you. If you're interested in only weight gain, then 18 routes will pique your interest, not just the six that start with weight gain. This isn't a flaw in design but intentional by the way the flowchart like, reality changing nature of this game is. Each game starts from her smallest and allows her to grow into a new, or more concentrated, career path and body proportions.

Getting back to node writing. The length of each node is non-standard. Some are much shorter than others, some are quite long. The last two nodes I wrote were some of the largest I've written so far because of an idea/arc that involved some very hyper specific fetish situation where Kazumi doesn't have her chest grow with her weight gain. This is basically one of two routes in the entire game where she will start with weight gain and end with no breast growth. WLA and WAL, if you remember the code language I explained a few months back. If you didn't this means: Weight gain, "lazy" transformation then ass expansion and weight gain, ass expansion then "lazy" transformation. If you like this as a concept, I hope you're excited. If you don't, you never have to interact with this content in the game. If you're ambivalent, I hope you enjoy the characterization of Kazumi.

Here's a preview of WL (Week 2) dialog:

K is Kazumi, P is player character.

To cap off this silly log I wanna finalize it by saying I wrote two weeks this month. I know it's not a full five node two path month but they can't all be that way. Especially when I blazed through about two-thousand words in these two nodes alone. (If you haven't realized by now, node is a "week" in the game. I use the two words interchangeably so you don't think I'm talking about a real life week.) It honestly was one of the most difficult but also fun weeks to write. I hope you look forward to reading it!

Thank you again for all your support. It's been so nice to come back here and report everything I've been doing on this game. It's very difficult heading such a large project as a two man team. My co-writer has been sick and working so I have nothing to report on her end, but I look forward to sharing more news from her eventually! Thank you again <333 Please continue to support me on this incredibly fun and large project.



Hey stumbled across the game and it sounds so promising so thought id drop some support! Sounds like a lot of work for two people hope you're enjoying it and look forward to updates!


Hey thanks for the support! My co-writer and I are having SO much fun on this project even if it's been a lot of work! If you have any questions about the project I'd love to hear it!