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Closer and closer we march towards actually being able to show things off. With the script's writing officially being marked as 25% done, we hasten the pace in August. In the next four weeks I plan to finish about Two-Four complete routes to speed up the development process. A lot of research and plans on how to tackle the script have been going on in the background. I can say with confidence that this is the time to move faster.

Twenty Five Percent?

Whether or not to you this is a large or small number, doesn't really matter. What it means is that 6 of the 24 routes have been completely finished. And if you wanna be exact, if you include actual nodes we have written, it's about 29%. Why did it take so long to finish this much of the script? We're two people whose time and dedication to something that is still considered a hobbyist work. The speed at which we haven been working and crafting the world, to me, has been lightning fast. The game's script, as I've been finding out, will just take the longest time no matter what. It needs to be something that people end up reading and not passing by just because they wanna see a few cgs and a character change in size. This doesn't mean the game isn't for people who can just click buttons and watch her grow, but we're trying to create something that people want to read without cringing or skipping completely.

If you're even somewhat a fan of erotic literature, I hope you understand the amount of effort we're putting into this.

Speed UP!

Why now speed up development? Kazumi is the character that occupies my brain 70% of the time I work on original content. There's so much thought I put into her it's insane. I wanted to solidify what she means as a character working through rough drafts before mindlessly blasting through routes. This doesn't mean what I'm going to write now is going to be thought-less, oh no not even close. I just want to blast as much Kazumi fuel as possible, and if that means essentially writing and finishing a node every other day to do so then damn I'll do it!

Basically it was not possible to speed up the development of this game script wise until now given the ideas we've crafted and the amount of boba I've drank. 🤰

Content to show

When it comes to game development and actually getting more and more people to fund you after that initial burst, a lot of developers work on content they can show as a proof of concept even if it's not finalized work. In this case I've done none of that really to focus solely on working as hard as I can on this game. My opinion is, "I'll show shit when I have shit to show you," which can lead people into thinking the game is dead and not coming out ever. It can be frustrating as someone who has been observing a game from the outside to see that a game really hasn't "Made progress," because a new screenshot or a developer straight up saying "Hi we're working on it," hasn't happened in a while. Luckily you guys know that the game has been worked on for a while with real progress, but I can't show the script I've been writing either. It's kinda a conundrum and I have to ensure that you guys trust me enough to know that I'm making progress.

I can assure you quite physically that things are being written. Maybe once the script is fully done and on the rough draft cycle I'll let you guys in on what one of these files looks like fully or even release what is known as the "Kazumi Bible." But for now that's private information for game development reasons.

Thank you for your support

Honestly thank you for sticking around. I know a few of you guys subscribe for one month to check progress and dip and I understand that. The fact that you even give me 7 bucks still is a lot of support. I don't mean to plead and say "Tell your friends," but if you think anyone would be interested in the support of this game send them the tweet I made on twitter and have them check out the development pitch document or the weight gaming forum thread.

 By next month I want to report to you that I've finished at least 5-10 more nodes. Writing takes a lot of mental process, and Patreon exclusives always take precedent, but damn if I want to give you guys a banger of a report next month. You'll know I kicked ass if you get a one paragraph report that just says "45%." If not I'll talk more about the undertakings of this project and how I've managed my time.

Thank you again for supporting me and sticking with me for all this time. The very end of next month marks the one year anniversary of the pitch of this project. I won't do anything special if I make enough progress on this project but know that that's better than any single picture of Kazumi in a party hat.

As always if you have ANY questions on the development of this game reach out to me in the comments, dm me or anything in-between I'd be happy to communicate with you and even talk in detail about a couple of things. Have a wonderful rest of the month and stay cool!


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