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This post is adapted from the Weight Gaming forums thread on Mochi Moshi. This will NOT replace the paid Mochi Moshi progress report, and those of you who pay for that know by now that the information given here is very much smaller than what you guys already know.

Now onto the reposted post.

I want to be completely transparent here saying that it’s a two person team working on the game, me as the main writer and an anonymous co-writer who helped develop the world and shape it into one of the most fun things I’ve ever created. It’s almost been a year since the inception coming up and I want to say creating a 24 ending transformation/expansion/weight gain game with unique content in each of the routes takes about as long as you would expect it to make. And unless you’re expecting it done in a month, you pretty much know it’s going to be a larger one.

I know there’s a lot of projects that don't follow through, complications with other people, loss of interests and etc... but since this team is essentially me doing all of it with a very close friend helping round out the script, it’s not exactly the speediest work, but it is going to be finished.

People want estimates and I don’t want to give those out because people love to calculate specific dates and estimates and then be disappointed, you guys know how cyberpunk went. But my goal is to hopefully be done with the main script before we close off the first year of writing it. And with that basically half of the game will be finished in terms of creation. That being said the script is NOT done and those are just things I am striving for as a creator.

I don’t really owe anyone an explanation on the speed of things considering it’s actually chugging along quite well, but if you wanted some sort of actual clarification as someone who donated but didn’t back the Patreon 7 dollar tier, here’s that progress report.

That being said if there’s anything you guys want to specifically know about in the future I can report if that’s been discussed, thought about or hasn’t even been touched. I know this community is super active and wants the same things I want, more weight gain video games.

I hope to provide a very unique WG Visual Novel/Toy to the world and hopefully follow it up with some interesting stuff afterwards. Once this is done who knows what is next for Yummy Goods. But for now, the sights are still set and in full blast for Mochi Moshi.

Thanks again for everyone who cares!

Since you're here and are probably a Patron, consider becoming a 7 dollar tier subscriber and help development on Mochi Moshi just a little bit more. The increased monthly revenue helps me a lot and solidifies this as a career more than just a hobby or side hustle. With the amount of work I already put in, you can see that I'm treating it more like a job than either of those two. Thank you for supporting me, thank you for being interested in what I do and if you've been, or ever been, a Project Tier subscriber I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart that you would consider doing so.

Cheers <3



Sigh. Its always someone that needs to know exactly when something releases despite what the website clearly states. Patience is a virtue i suppose. Looking forward to the completed product. Whenever that may be.


Yeah. I mean I get it completely get why people want to know but yeah ahaha..