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Honestly at this point I should have just named it 14 instead of Part 2. Maybe I'll go back and fix that so it makes sense technically... But I digress....

So this is the second part of the Dev Log for Mochi Moshi that I was going to write up but didn't! Why? I've been juggling Mochi Moshi's development around and was just trying to shuffle things back in order so I can get this train going full steam ahead. That's a lot of words to say "prioritize development of the game."

Yesterday I tried to write as much as I could, as fast as I could for the game just to see what my limit is. Two complete nodes were finished and handed off to my co-writer who said, that the writing was incredibly funny, and evocative fetish wise. Which is honestly high praise coming from her. About 1100 words~ in about a days work. I even took off the day drawing for that. Balancing the two is difficult but I want to make it more consistent. 

How is the money spent?

I really haven't detailed this explicitly because I figure most people understand when you give a creator money, it's to live, but I figured it'd be nice to also point out and say that every single dollar given to me goes towards me consistently working on the project. Lately more and more people have been coming to me with the express purpose of getting Mochi Moshi on the track blazing by, and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Commissions from people explicitly saying "anything to get the game going," really fuel the fire. 

When the initial burst of cash came in for the game I bought a theme song, something I said months and months ago in older dev logs. This was handled by Barchboi, who is an incredible musician as well as a wonderful friend. I really really want to show this off but I'm waiting until we at least finish the script so I don't show my ace right away. It's fantastic though!

The other cash goes towards me just being able to eat and make this more and more my full time job. I know there's a lot of people who end up saying this but it's true. In order to focus on being able to make art like this and finish projects like this quicker, having it be financially stable to do so is the real way to keep it going. That being said if someone gives me something crazy like 50 grand will it be done tomorrow? Nonono... But I do wish it worked that way. I think the speed at which I work at the game is not optimal, but it's comfortable with the amount of support I get and I'm pleased with that.

In the future cash will be spent on a webserver and domain to host a promotional web portal for the game. I know things like this tend to be outdated but I love the idea and ultimately It'll make this game feel closer to being "real" for me. Other things at the end of the games development include physical cds for the product and other wacky things that people tend to do with games. This is mostly for me. I really really want to be able to show people that I made something I could be proud of as big as this. Nothing is being spent on these ideas right now, and won't be until the game is either finished or near finished.

What are you going to do once the script is done?

Part of this is outlined in the previous part, which basically said I'm working on getting Kazumi's design finalized so I can jump from the script clean up to visuals easier. What's going to happen directly is closer to this:

  • Script will be passed over with co-writer to finalize it, grammar issues, spellcheck, characterization correction.
  • It'll be fed into a loose Twine program as a flowchart in a closed beta test to see how it reads (this will not be distributed to patrons)

Then at the same time as that last bullet point, this list will start:

  • Kazumi's design will be finalized
  • Kazumi's talk sprites will be worked on
  • CGs will be voted on by Patrons and worked on

And then finally the game will be put together into an actual visual novel where the patron beta testing will start. We're still a long way from that though, and as patrons you will be notified at every step of the way what stage we are on and what to expect moving forward. If you've been reading every single one of these Dev Logs some of this stuff sounds like it's being repeated, but that's because I don't know how many of you go back and read the previous logs. 

Last parting words for this log! Important!

I said this in part 1, but please if you want to see Kazumi in a slice of life situation with weight gain, ass expansion, breast expansion or anything in between you can suggest it below and I'll consider it for an actual picture. This is the only time I'm open to requests of this nature while I hammer down Kazumi's design. Every month I'm going to do at least one Kazumi pic so, get excited to seeing more of her while I work on the game.

Thank you for all your support really, patronage helps me live the dream of doing this as a fulltime job. I love creating art, I love creating this kind of art. I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to continue to do this for a long, long time. Next time I report I think I want to show off a bit more of the story out of context as well as report more on how things are going! 

I do want to end off saying, to those who come and go supporting me on Patreon thank you. The fact that you even gave me seven bucks to see how it's going, and what this is, means a lot to me. Thank you so much! If there's anything you want to know more about on this project feel free to ask, either here or in Patreon DM system. Have a great rest of March!


Crazy Squid

"Gained weight? It all goes to my tits anyway!" (it doesn't, but it's not like she can see past them)


I will say though, I'm looking for more locations, situations, less than what proportions you want her to be in. The latter is about 50% of an image.