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Hey everyone! Thank you for the continuous support through 2021! Whether you just joined the patreon this month, or have been there from the start, I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Obviously every artist and person under the sun right now is talking about 2022 asperations, so I just want to do the same thing I guess?? Not cause they're doing it, I just think it is important to kinda just project what I want to do whether for myself or others to know about. I think I've done enough rambling for now so lets get to the meat of it.

Out with the old...

In the continuous sense I don't see myself stopping the two patreon drawings a month anytime soon. They'll stay locked up for you guys and I'll continue to occasionally make those paid release packs that contain 6 months of patreon drawings with usually nothing added. Free drawings will obviously still be sporadic but hopefully be more consistent than last year. There were months I realized I only really drew one non patreon thing!! That's kinda embarrassing for me, but I realize the quality of my work sky rocketed as soon as 2021 started... I mean look at this!

I can say that I'm truly truly proud of how 2021 went. I also started a HUGE project known as Mochi Moshi! If you haven't seen what that is please click on that link and check it out. I also have a 7 dollar tier where you can see me post about how it's going every month, usually once or twice a month. Not to shill that but since this is for ALL the patreon supporters I might as well make note of it.

Mochi Moshi will continue to be worked on but at a more consistent pace. I want to be done with writing the story within the next six months. Things can change and I don't want to put this in cement, but I at least want to get everything written by then. Depending on how my and my co-writer's lives go this number can change but... more on Mochi Moshi in mid January.

...In with the new!

Things I have planned this year are semi numerous, some of which will probably not see the light of day! But, I want to put it out there so people can consistently ask about it if they truly care. First of all, commissions. People constantly hit me up privately for commissions and I want to put out a real consistent sheet out there that looks pretty or something. I made a form a long time ago that got 0 usage, even in testing, and it also kinda seems tedious.

Generally commission stuff for me is simple if you want one right now. Basically just DM me, tell me what you got, I give you a quote (usually around 85 bucks starting for the stuff you typically see in patreon exclusives), you pay and then I send you wips every day until it's done (average 4 day turnaround if you're the only commission). I want January, or February, to be the month I actually start doing a real commission run. If you currently want to get a commission from me please DM me if you haven't already.

Every single artist has one of these, but I'm making a game and eventually want to get some sort of feedback... You know it you love it... A Discord server~! I've been both wanting and not wanting to make this for a long time, and since it's my current actual paid job to run one, having one that I also run for this would either be hell or easier than normal. I want to put it out there, I don't want this to be a discord server that's supposed to replace or build a community of it's own. I kinda wanna use it as an easy hub to let people know what I'm doing and how things are going with that. I used to have a community server about a two years ago and it was fun while it lasted, but I don't really want to manage something like that, or pull people in to do that sort of thing.

Long and short, I'm consistently thinking of making a Discord server, it'll probably be patreon users only. I don't know yet!

Third thing! That has nothing to do with this patreon! I just want to create more stuff outside of what I'm doing right now and balance that while still delivering consistently the NSFW art I do here. And before you get upset, I don't mean drawing!! I was a DJ on FM for about 4 years. I wanna do more DJ sets and get back into that. My voice was out there on air waves cutting through like butter. Not getting nostalgic for it but I want to do something with music more! In 2020 I did a set and it was fun! And I want to do more like it! That's about it lmao. You can listen to that here. 

Also on that note, it'd be fun to do a podcast type deal (wow just like everyone else!) except I've been kinda crafting what it'd be about for about two years off and on now. If there's anything you guys wanna know about or hear about or would like me to talk about in that sense I'd love to hear it!

On that note (x2), I'd love to hear anything you want to say to me period. You guys here have the most super direct link to me that I won't think is trying to consistently waste my time. Not being mean to people who message me who aren't patrons, I just don't think I need people asking if I hate the loud house. 

This was a long one, and I hope it wasn't too much of a ramble! Thanks for the support again in 2021, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2022! Thank you so much thank you thank you!! <33 And as always comment below about anything, or dm me! I'd love to hear from ya!! <333


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