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Hey everyone! It's been almost a month since the last report!
As I promised I'd reveal a bit about the music behind the project.
As I work on things that aren't instantly tangible without spoilers, i.e. plot and dialogue, I can show off a bit about what's actually complete.

Thanks to my good and amazingly talented friend BARCHboi I have complete access to their discography of music that hasn't been used in their personal projects.

What's really really cool about the music he makes is that it completely fits the aesthetic of the world I'm trying to build with this game. Not inherently vapor, BARCHboi's music hits a specific synthy vibe that can be associated with very neon future-y computer-y silliness I think. He obviously has more range than that but I want to specifically play with music he's made using that style.

You can check out more of his music here. 

Also check out his custom video game engine the Unfolding Engine. A free and easy to use video game engine that you can basically make any sort of platformer or even idle game with! It's constantly being updated and is super easy to use!

Link to the that is here. 

Finally, attached is a song I'm going to use in a situation where you and the Android Girl have to find out a little bit more about.... ???? Something...

Thanks for continuing to support me! This means a lot to me and the project will be worth it in the end. Any playable demo is a bit out of reach because I want to finish the whole arcs and clean that up, but I hope to share more and more as the time comes.

See you next month <3

PS, If you do end up checking out anything Barch makes, tell them Sterling set ya ;o)


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