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I live in South-East Wisconsin. If you've been following what's going on, that did happen in my hometown.
I am safe.
Please understand that I will be continuing to create art as it's what keeps me sane, especially in these times. There will hopefully be no delays.

CW: You should know by now. Continue under your own discretion.

Most of you, I assume, are an outsider looking in, but this is a trend that's been happening in the United States for a long time, longer than reported. The Police in Kenosha are not good people. They have countlessly pestered and killed innocent people in broad daylight and the people here know it.

There's no taking sides here. I don't want to hear any opinions on this. Police are occupying my city as this seems it'll escalate as fast as it has everywhere else. Already last night Kenosha Police staged lootings, destroying windows, and burning unoccupied buildings. Nothing taken from them. Nothing stolen from businesses. To somehow prove a point.

Please keep aware, but keep safe. Distractions are necessary when you have mental health problems, I understand this fully. I suffer from anxiety issues so times like this compiling is not good. I'm healthy though, staying mentally fine. I hope you are all doing well in these times.

Please understand I'm not here to convince anyone on any sort of view. This is all things I've experienced and how I'm seeing it. But know that I'm on the side of the people. BLM.



Stay safe in these hard times friend