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I'm going to cut the fat and start talking about this right away, there's a lot to be said and I want to make it very concise.

It's done, the entire bulk of the actual script is 100% drafted, final drafted and then finalized and after 2.5 years, I can say that we can move on to the actual prototyping of the game to show you guys what Mochi Moshi will look like.
It was an incredible amount of work, so much so I got burned out, which is something I feel like I never have happen to me. My work flow is designed to keep me going with plenty of breaks and relaxation, but editing and writing for 3-4 hours or more a day made me lose my mind. I love writing, I love creating a world, it's just mentally exhausting.

Today I'm drafting the intro and sending it over to my co-writer so she can add to it and then we finalize it together. The intro is the last thing we wanted to work on to make sure it fit our entire needs as an introduction to Kazumi and the framing narrative. Yes I consider the script and the intro to be separate, it's a completely different process from how we wrote the bulk script.

Prototype/Demo/Omega Pre-Alpha
Work on this will start in April and the idea is to have it finished in April. What needs to be done is a simple sketch of the UI, explanation of the UX, some chibi Kazumis, and then all of it packaged well enough into twine so you guys can explore the presentation as a semi multimedia package.
What will it be? Don't get your hopes up please, it's not a representation of the final game, but it will contain the script from the game with one route and commentary on the thought process of the game's flow. Yes the chibi will change based on how the story is progressing, no the CG will not be present. Also an optional survey will be given at the end of the demo so please please please take the time to fill it out!!!
The prototype/demo will be given out on Discord to Project Supporter Tier Subscribers in April 2024! I will let you guys know if this changes or gets delayed, but if you subscribe next month you will get access to the prototype even if it's delayed to May. That being said, please check your messages for the link to the discord and let me know what your discord handle is, or your subscriber username when you join the discord, and I'll make sure you're hooked up with the proper role.

Thank you!
Thank you so much for your continued support, this month was a lot of work and we finally jumped the first hurdle. There's going to be a lot to get to the next phase but this prototype is necessary for my thought process and it'd be helpful if you guys played it and took the survey when it's out.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful rest of March.


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