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Kristeen Livesay

Yeah, Clair’s near death spooked Cid and the seven shades enough that she now has a permanent bodyguard detail of 1 shade at all times, it’s a rotating basis but whichever member is assigned as shadow’s assistant at the time also has the primary job of guarding Clair. Unless they are in different places of course, then she has her own guard.

Ryuuji Gremory

In case it isn't clear, Cid thinks Claire just as a heavy case of Chuunibyou/8th grade syndrome, he believes the magic circle on her hand, the bandages, the "special power" are all just Claire living out her delusion much like he did and still does.

Ryuuji Gremory

To be honest it feels like Beta was way more spooked by it than Cid, might just be because we have no POV from him reacting to it but to him it was basically a minor inconvenience to have to save her, while for Beta letting her die would have been an unforgivable sin.


18:34 And thus another "Child of Chunibyo" is born...🤣