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Ryuuji Gremory

Interesting tidbit of information, all the names are German words: Himmel = Sky/Heaven Eisen = Iron Heiter = bright/cheerful Frieren = freezing/to be cold Fern = far/distant/away Flamme = Flame Qual = Pain/torment/agony Einsam = Lonely Stark = strong


Just a point on Fern's comment at the beginning; She's spent half her "current" life with Frieren. Fern met Frieren at around 9 years old. That's 20 years after the death of Himmel the hero. Then after meeting her, 4-5 years pass as she trains her and before Heiter's death, then they travel for a few years and at 27 years after the Death of Himmel, fern has her 16th birthday when Frieren gives her the harir ornament. It's sometime in that next year (28 years after Himmel's death) that they visit Eisen and are having that conversation. Fern is around 17-18 here. That is why Fern says "It's been half my life. The time I've spent with you." - and not "half my lifespan". Half her lifespan would be 40-50 years. It's been about 8-9~ish since she met her.

Kristeen Livesay

The same for what Frieren said last episode about the 10 year journey not even being one one hundredth of her life is saying that she has lived for over 1000 years at least and their journey together was barely a fraction of that time.